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Environment Variables

This document contains all the environment variables which are available for this application.

Name Type Description Default
POSTAL_WEB_HOSTNAME String The hostname that the Postal web interface runs on
POSTAL_WEB_PROTOCOL String The HTTP protocol to use for the Postal web interface https
POSTAL_SMTP_HOSTNAME String The hostname that the Postal SMTP server runs on
POSTAL_USE_IP_POOLS Boolean Should IP pools be enabled for this installation? false
POSTAL_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_ATTEMPTS Integer The maximum number of delivery attempts 18
POSTAL_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_HOLD_EXPIRY_DAYS Integer The number of days to hold a message before they will be expired 7
POSTAL_DEFAULT_SUPPRESSION_LIST_AUTOMATIC_REMOVAL_DAYS Integer The number of days an address will remain in a suppression list before being removed 30
POSTAL_DEFAULT_SPAM_THRESHOLD Integer The default threshold at which a message should be treated as spam 5
POSTAL_DEFAULT_SPAM_FAILURE_THRESHOLD Integer The default threshold at which a message should be treated as spam failure 20
POSTAL_USE_LOCAL_NS_FOR_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION Boolean Domain verification and checking usually checks with a domain's nameserver. Enable this to check with the server's local nameservers. false
POSTAL_USE_RESENT_SENDER_HEADER Boolean Append a Resend-Sender header to all outgoing e-mails true
POSTAL_SIGNING_KEY_PATH String Path to the private key used for signing $config-file-root/signing.key
POSTAL_SMTP_RELAYS Array of strings An array of SMTP relays in the format of smtp://host:port []
POSTAL_TRUSTED_PROXIES Array of strings An array of IP addresses to trust for proxying requests to Postal (in addition to localhost addresses) []
POSTAL_QUEUED_MESSAGE_LOCK_STALE_DAYS Integer The number of days after which to consider a lock as stale. Messages with stale locks will be removed and not retried. 1
POSTAL_BATCH_QUEUED_MESSAGES Boolean When enabled queued messages will be de-queued in batches based on their destination true
WEB_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT Integer The default port the web server should listen on unless overriden by the PORT environment variable 5000
WEB_SERVER_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS String The default bind address the web server should listen on unless overriden by the BIND_ADDRESS environment variable
WEB_SERVER_MAX_THREADS Integer The maximum number of threads which can be used by the web server 5
WORKER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_SERVER_PORT Integer The default port for the worker health server to listen on 9090
WORKER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS String The default bind address for the worker health server to listen on
WORKER_THREADS Integer The number of threads to execute within each worker 2
MAIN_DB_HOST String Hostname for the main MariaDB server localhost
MAIN_DB_PORT Integer The MariaDB port to connect to 3306
MAIN_DB_USERNAME String The MariaDB username postal
MAIN_DB_PASSWORD String The MariaDB password
MAIN_DB_DATABASE String The MariaDB database name postal
MAIN_DB_POOL_SIZE Integer The maximum size of the MariaDB connection pool 5
MAIN_DB_ENCODING String The encoding to use when connecting to the MariaDB database utf8mb4
MESSAGE_DB_HOST String Hostname for the MariaDB server which stores the mail server databases localhost
MESSAGE_DB_PORT Integer The MariaDB port to connect to 3306
MESSAGE_DB_USERNAME String The MariaDB username postal
MESSAGE_DB_PASSWORD String The MariaDB password
MESSAGE_DB_ENCODING String The encoding to use when connecting to the MariaDB database utf8mb4
MESSAGE_DB_DATABASE_NAME_PREFIX String The MariaDB prefix to add to database names postal
LOGGING_RAILS_LOG_ENABLED Boolean Enable the default Rails logger false
LOGGING_SENTRY_DSN String A DSN which should be used to report exceptions to Sentry
LOGGING_ENABLED Boolean Enable the Postal logger to log to STDOUT true
LOGGING_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED Boolean Enable highlighting of log lines false
GELF_HOST String GELF-capable host to send logs to
GELF_PORT Integer GELF port to send logs to 12201
GELF_FACILITY String The facility name to add to all log entries sent to GELF postal
SMTP_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT Integer The default port the SMTP server should listen on unless overriden by the PORT environment variable 25
SMTP_SERVER_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS String The default bind address the SMTP server should listen on unless overriden by the BIND_ADDRESS environment variable ::
SMTP_SERVER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_SERVER_PORT Integer The default port for the SMTP server health server to listen on 9091
SMTP_SERVER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS String The default bind address for the SMTP server health server to listen on
SMTP_SERVER_TLS_ENABLED Boolean Enable TLS for the SMTP server (requires certificate) false
SMTP_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH String The path to the SMTP server's TLS certificate $config-file-root/smtp.cert
SMTP_SERVER_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH String The path to the SMTP server's TLS private key $config-file-root/smtp.key
SMTP_SERVER_TLS_CIPHERS String Override ciphers to use for SSL
SMTP_SERVER_SSL_VERSION String The SSL versions which are supported SSLv23
SMTP_SERVER_PROXY_PROTOCOL Boolean Enable proxy protocol for use behind some load balancers (supports proxy protocol v1 only) false
SMTP_SERVER_LOG_CONNECTIONS Boolean Enable connection logging false
SMTP_SERVER_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE Integer The maximum message size to accept from the SMTP server (in MB) 14
SMTP_SERVER_LOG_IP_ADDRESS_EXCLUSION_MATCHER String A regular expression to use to exclude connections from logging
DNS_MX_RECORDS Array of strings The names of the default MX records ["", ""]
DNS_SPF_INCLUDE String The location of the SPF record
DNS_RETURN_PATH_DOMAIN String The return path hostname
DNS_ROUTE_DOMAIN String The domain to use for hosting route-specific addresses
DNS_TRACK_DOMAIN String The CNAME which tracking domains should be pointed to
DNS_HELO_HOSTNAME String The hostname to use in HELO/EHLO when connecting to external SMTP servers
DNS_DKIM_IDENTIFIER String The identifier to use for DKIM keys in DNS records postal
DNS_DOMAIN_VERIFY_PREFIX String The prefix to add before TXT record verification string postal-verification
DNS_CUSTOM_RETURN_PATH_PREFIX String The domain to use on external domains which points to the Postal return path domain psrp
DNS_TIMEOUT Integer The timeout to wait for DNS resolution 5
DNS_RESOLV_CONF_PATH String The path to the resolv.conf file containing addresses for local nameservers /etc/resolv.conf
SMTP_HOST String The hostname to send application-level e-mails to
SMTP_PORT Integer The port number to send application-level e-mails to 25
SMTP_USERNAME String The username to use when authentication to the SMTP server
SMTP_PASSWORD String The password to use when authentication to the SMTP server
SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE String The type of authentication to use login
SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS Boolean Use STARTTLS when connecting to the SMTP server and fail if unsupported false
SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO Boolean Detects if STARTTLS is enabled in the SMTP server and starts to use it true
SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE String When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate. Use 'none' for no certificate checking peer
SMTP_FROM_NAME String The name to use as the from name outgoing emails from Postal Postal
SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS String The e-mail to use as the from address outgoing emails from Postal
RAILS_ENVIRONMENT String The Rails environment to run the application in production
RAILS_SECRET_KEY String The secret key used to sign and encrypt cookies and session data in the application
RSPAMD_ENABLED Boolean Enable rspamd for message inspection false
RSPAMD_HOST String The hostname of the rspamd server
RSPAMD_PORT Integer The port of the rspamd server 11334
RSPAMD_SSL Boolean Enable SSL for the rspamd connection false
RSPAMD_PASSWORD String The password for the rspamd server
RSPAMD_FLAGS String Any flags for the rspamd server
SPAMD_ENABLED Boolean Enable SpamAssassin for message inspection false
SPAMD_HOST String The hostname for the SpamAssassin server
SPAMD_PORT Integer The port of the SpamAssassin server 783
CLAMAV_ENABLED Boolean Enable ClamAV for message inspection false
CLAMAV_HOST String The host of the ClamAV server
CLAMAV_PORT Integer The port of the ClamAV server 2000
SMTP_CLIENT_OPEN_TIMEOUT Integer The open timeout for outgoing SMTP connections 30
SMTP_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT Integer The read timeout for outgoing SMTP connections 30
MIGRATION_WAITER_ENABLED Boolean Wait for all migrations to run before starting a process false
MIGRATION_WAITER_ATTEMPTS Integer The number of attempts to try waiting for migrations to complete before start 120
MIGRATION_WAITER_SLEEP_TIME Integer The number of seconds to wait between each migration check 2
OIDC_ENABLED Boolean Enable OIDC authentication false
OIDC_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED Boolean When enabled, users with passwords will still be able to login locally. If disable, only OpenID Connect will be available. true
OIDC_NAME String The name of the OIDC provider as shown in the UI OIDC Provider
OIDC_ISSUER String The OIDC issuer URL
OIDC_IDENTIFIER String The client ID for OIDC
OIDC_SECRET String The client secret for OIDC
OIDC_SCOPES Array of strings Scopes to request from the OIDC server. openid,email
OIDC_UID_FIELD String The field to use to determine the user's UID sub
OIDC_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FIELD String The field to use to determine the user's email address email
OIDC_NAME_FIELD String The field to use to determine the user's name name
OIDC_DISCOVERY Boolean Enable discovery to determine endpoints from .well-known/openid-configuration from the Issuer true
OIDC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT String The authorize endpoint on the authorization server (only used when discovery is false)
OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT String The token endpoint on the authorization server (only used when discovery is false)
OIDC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT String The user info endpoint on the authorization server (only used when discovery is false)
OIDC_JWKS_URI String The JWKS endpoint on the authorization server (only used when discovery is false)