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Solver for ASP plus conditional linear constraints with founded variables


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fclingo is a solver for ASP modulo conditional linear constraints with founded variables.


pip install . -r requirements.txt


fclingo is a solver for Answer Set Programming (ASP) combined with founded conditional linear constraints. These constraints enable the user to use integer variables that are not subject to grounding. Integer variables may be undefined and, in line with the philosophy of ASP, there needs to be a justification in the logic program if a variable receives a value in an answer set. Conditionality allows for a generalization of aggregates commonly used in ASP.

Relation to clingo

fclingo is an extension of clingo and accepts as input clingo rules enriched with founded conditional linear constraints.

Relation to clingcon

fclingo relies on the constraint answer set programming (CASP) solver clingcon into whose language a fclingo program is translated. fclingo's two main advantages are foundedness of the integer variables and aggregates over integer variables. The former allows variables to be undefined and only assume a value if a reason for that value can be derived. This differs to the behavior of CASP, where variables are always defined and in absence of any constraint to a variable, all possible values are enumerated. The latter generalizes ASP aggregates to contain integer variables that are not subject to grounding.


The answer sets of fclingo programs contain terms val(x,v), where x is an integer variable occurring in the program and v is the integer value of the variable in the answer set. The absence of such a term means the variable is undefined.

Language overview

fclingo atoms have the following form:

  1. &sum{lt1 : c1;...;ltn : cn} <> l0
  2. &sus{lt1 : c1;...;ltn : cn} <> l0
  3. &in{lb..ub} =: x
  4. &df{x}
  5. &min{lt1 : c1;...;ltn : cn} <> l0
  6. &max{lt1 : c1;...;ltn : cn} <> l0

where lti, lb, and ub are linear terms, ci is a conjunction of literals for i between 0 and n, x is the name of a variable and <> is either <=,=,!=,<,>, or >=.

To hide and show assignments of specific variables, one can use the directive &show{v1/a1;...;vn/an}, where vi is the name of the function and ai is the arity of the function. For instance, the term x/0 shows the variable named x while price/1 shows all variables of the form price(<argument>). Absence of this directive shows all variables, and &show{} hides all variables.

1. Sum under clingo semantics

The atom in 1. sums up all linear terms in the set. It can be seen as a generalization of clingo sum aggregates as it similarly removes undefined elements, and therefore always returns a value. It can be used in the head and in the body.

For example,


{ selected(bag) }.

&sum{V} = price(P) :- selected(P), price(P,V).
&sum{price(P) : selected(P)} = price(total).

#show selected/1.

This program configures a bike with a frame that has an optional bag. For both the frame and the optional bag prices are provided, stored in integer variables and then summed up to get the total price.


fclingo examples/config_optional.lp

yields the answer sets

Answer: 1
selected(frame) val(price(total),15) val(price(frame),15)
Answer: 2
selected(frame) selected(bag) val(price(bag),5) val(price(total),20) val(price(frame),15)

As expected, we have two answer sets. The first does not select the optional bag and calculates the total price as 15, same as the price of the frame. The second selects the bag and increases the total price to 20.

To see the behavior in presence of undefined integer variables, consider following example



{ selected(bag) }.

&sum{V} = price(P) :- selected(P), price(P,V).
:- &sum { price(P) : selected(P)  } >= L,

#show selected/1.

Now, the price of the bag is omitted and instead of calculating the total price, we restrict the sum over the individual prices to be 14. The call

fclingo examples/config_pricelimit_sum.lp 0



Even if the price for the bag is undefined, the constraint detects that the price limit is breached since the undefined integer variable is removed from the set.

2. Sum under strict semantics

The atom in 2. sums up the linear terms for the conditions that are true. In contrast to 1., if any of the terms is undefined, resulting from an integer variable being undefined that is contained within, the sum is undefined as well. This results in the atom being false. We will later elaborate how this version of sum is useful for assignments later in this document. The atom may be used in the head or in the body.

The example examples/config_optional.lp behaves identically when we replace sus with sum.

Different behavior arises for the price limit.



{ selected(bag) }.

&sus{V} = price(P) :- selected(P), price(P,V).
:- &sus { price(P) : selected(P)  } >= L,

#show selected/1.

The call

fclingo examples/config_pricelimit_sus.lp 0

now returns

Answer: 1
selected(frame) selected(bag) val(price(frame),15)

The answer with only the frame is removed because its price alone is higher than the limit. However, when the bag is selected, its price value is undefined and therefore the sum under strict semantics returns undefined as well and the price limit is disregarded.

3. Assignments

The atom in 3. is a directional assignment of a value between linear terms lb and ub to the variable x. It may only be used in the head of a rule. Only if lb and ub are defined, x will receive a value in between lb and ub. Note that this is different from using equality to assign a value. For instance, the fact &sus{y}=x. would allow y as well as x to be defined and take on arbitrary values such that x and y are equal, while &in{y..y}=:x. requires some other rule to define y and if that is not the case, x remains undefined. One can also use the strict sum and write &sus{lt1 : c1;..;ltn : cn}=:x, where lti are linear terms conditioned by conjuctions ci for i between 1 and n, and x is an integer variable. Using the strict sum that way has two advantages: first, the strict sum can be undefined in contrast to the clingo sum and thefore x only receives a value if the strict sum can be calculated, and second, the linear terms may be conditioned and the arity of the sum can be arbitrary.

For instance, take program


{ selected(bag) }.

&sus{V} = price(P)    :- selected(P), price(P,V).
&in{L..U} =: price(P) :- selected(P), not price(P,_), 
&sus{price(P) : selected(P)} =: price(total).

#show selected/1.

Here, we assign selected parts that are missing the price information a default within a certain range. Calling

fclingo examples/config_default_in.lp 0

results in

Answer: 1
selected(frame) val(price(total),15) val(price(frame),15)
Answer: 2
selected(frame) selected(bag) val(price(total),16) val(price(frame),15) val(price(bag),1)
Answer: 3
selected(frame) selected(bag) val(price(total),17) val(price(frame),15) val(price(bag),2)

were in answers 2 and 3, the two possible defaults for the missing price information of the selected bag is used.

4. Defined

The atom in 4. may be used in the body to reason about whether a given variable x is defined or not. This is useful for instance to provide defaults or detect errors if a certain integer variable does not have a value but should.

For instance, program



{ selected(bag) }.

&sus{V} = price(P)    :- selected(P), price(P,V).
&sus{price(P) : selected(P)} =: calc_price(total).

&sus{price(total)} = calc_price(total) :- &df{calc_price(total)}.
&sus{price(total)} = D                 :- not &df{calc_price(total)},

#show selected/1.

first tries to calculate the price, and if this calculation has a defined outcome, it is assigned to the total price. If not, a default price is used.


fclingo examples/config_default_in.lp 0

yields the intended two answer sets

Answer: 1
selected(frame) selected(bag) val(price(frame),15) val(price(total),20)
Answer: 2
selected(frame) val(price(frame),15) val(price(total),15)

where Answer 1 makes use of the default because the price of the bag is missing and therefore the total price may not be calculated.

5./6. Minimum and maximum aggregates

Atoms in 5. and 6. determine the minimum and maximum among linear terms in the set that have a defined value, respectively. They may be used in the head as well as in the body.

price(frame,15). part(frame).
price(bag,5).      part(bag).

{ selected(bag) }.

&sus{V} = price(P) :- selected(P), price(P,V).
&sus{price(P) : selected(P)} = price(total).

min_price(P) :- &min{price(P') : selected(P')} = price(P),
max_price(P) :- &max{price(P') : selected(P')} = price(P),

#show selected/1.
#show min_price/1.
#show max_price/1.

Here, atoms min_price/1 and max_price/1 query what selected part has the minimum and the maximum value, respectively.

The call

fclingo config_minmax_price.lp 0


Answer: 1
selected(frame) min_price(frame) max_price(frame) val(price(total),15) val(price(frame),15)
Answer: 2
selected(frame) selected(bag) min_price(bag) max_price(frame) val(price(total),20) val(price(frame),15) val(price(bag),5)

When the bag is not selected, the frame has the minimum and maximum price. In the second answer, we see that the bag has the minimum price among selected parts, while the frame's price is the maximum.


Similarly to the language of clingo, fclingo allows for choice rules in the head of a rule. Choices have the following form:

&fun{ lt1 :: ca1 : c1;...ltn :: can : cn} <> lt0

where fun is either sum, sus, min, or max, lti are linear terms, cai are regular atoms that may be chosen, and ci are conjunctions of literals for i between 0 and n, and <> is either <=,=,!=,<,>, or >=.

As an example program

part(sportsframe).    price(sportsframe,15).   type(sportsframe,frame).
part(standardframe).  price(standardframe,14). type(standardframe,frame).
part(fancysaddle).    price(fancysaddle,6).    type(fancysaddle,saddle). 
part(standardsaddle). price(standardsaddle,5). type(standardsaddle,saddle). 

&sum{V} = price(P) :- price(P,V).


&sum{price(P) :: selected(P) : part(P)} <= X :- pricelimit(X).
:- selected(P), selected(P'), P<P', 
   type(P,T),   type(P',T).
:- type(_,T), { selected(P) : type(P,T) }0.

#show selected/1.

Our parts database for the bike is now more involved. Each part has a price and a type. It contains two choices for the frame, either standard or sports, and two choices for the saddle, either standard or fancy. As before, we store the prices in integer variables and we have a price limit.

Using a choice, we can now express in one line, that we may freely select parts such that the price limit is respected. We further restrict solutions such that every type has something selected and there is only one option per type selected.


fclingo examples/config_pricelimit_choice.lp 0

outputs the three possible answers

Answer: 1
selected(standardframe) selected(fancysaddle)
Answer: 2
selected(standardframe) selected(standardsaddle)
Answer: 3
selected(sportsframe) selected(standardsaddle)

One has enough money to either combine the standard frame with the fancy saddle or the standard one, but if one opts for the sportsframe, the only viable choice is the standard saddle.

For another example, we replace from the program above the choice rule and the price limit with


&max{price(P) :: selected(P) : part(P)} <= X :- maxlimit(X).

Now we restrict the maximum price an individual part may have.


fclingo examples/config_pricelimit_choice.lp 0

gives us

Answer: 1
selected(standardframe) selected(standardsaddle)
Answer: 2
selected(standardframe) selected(fancysaddle)

The new program removes all combinations using the sports frame since this part violates the maximum allowed spending for one part.


To improve code quality, we run linters, and unit tests. The tools can be run using nox. We recommend installing nox using pipx to have it available globally:

python -m pip install pipx
python -m pipx install nox

Note that nox --no-install -r can be used to speed up subsequent runs. It avoids recreating virtual environments. For example, to run the unit tests without recreating the corresponding environment and installing packages each time, you can use

nox --no-install -rs test

There is also a format session for nox. It can be run as follows:

nox -rs format
nox -rs format -- check

The latter command can be used to inspect changes before applying them.


Solver for ASP plus conditional linear constraints with founded variables







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