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The Hog and Home Report

Easy bootstrapping!

Powered by the ubiquitous Makefile ... this should be pretty easy:

  1. make install
  2. make run
  3. open your browser to:

Librarys, librarys, librarys!

Of course, we could provide a vagrant file and a provisoner and all that jazz. But I'd rather provide a make file for installing everything into a venv and let you muck about with libraries. Those of you on Linux shouldn't have too much trouble installing the requisite development libraries below. The names are for debian-based distros, but they exist for all major distros.

On Mac it may be a little tricker. Homebrew will get you quite far, but first you have to install the bloated XCode and the CLI tools.

The libraries are:

  • libmemcached-dev
  • libfreetype6-dev
  • libjpeg-dev


This repository provides a very basic news budget management scheme.

Effectively, you set up your paper, invite collaborators, finalize publications, solicit photos, and put it all together.

The whole thing is a farce, but it's a farce built around honest family facts. Rather than dryly noting that your daughter is now living in Rwanda, why not make a mock interview where you prompt her to answer quesitons completely unrelated to Africa?

Fake ads are a big part of this too. We should have ad placements and requests can go out for ads of a certain size and they rotate.

For a layout, I'm thinking something almost like Google+ where we have a lot of little windows into content, with hilarious headlines and previews of the content beneath.


The Hog and Home Report is a family newspaper powered by Django







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