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Brendon Colburn edited this page May 1, 2019 · 15 revisions

Learning Links

a listing of materials I'd recommend going through before starting your own PowerTools Solution

  • Microsoft PowerApps - Sign up and play with a trial if you haven't already. PowerTools are meant to compliment PowerApps and it's best practice to configure before you customize in our field. You might not even need PowerTools for your business problem.
  • Create React App with TypeScript - Be sure to follow the whole guide. I just start you here so that you create your React App with TypeScript. You don't have to use TypeScript if you don't want to but I recommend it because it helps manage development efforts and eliminate easily made mistakes.
  • Office-Fabric-UI - Check out the components page and get familiarized with what's available.
  • Contribute to someone's repository - this is a good guide on how to fork and pull request when you want to contribute
  • Scott Durow's Killer TypeScript guide - This saves a lot of time in that you use fiddler rules to avoid repeat deployments and get typescript in your debugging.
  • It wouldn't hurt to also have a foundational understanding of nodejs, webpack, and TypeScript if you don't have it already.

Getting Started

so you've gone through the learning links, already have the working knowledge, or just like learning on the fly (not recommended)... Here's what's next: