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Ultrahand Overlay 1.3.7

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@ppkantorski ppkantorski released this 08 Oct 06:54
· 1297 commits to main since this release

List of changes:

  1. Hex offset caching has been implemented for faster hexing read/write calls.
  2. Various additional improvements to hex functions.
  3. New true/false property hide for packages.ini and overlays.ini to toggle visiblity.
  4. New command logging to enable/disable command logging (now off by default).
  5. New command clear for deleting Ultrahand relavent files (so far only clear log works).
  6. New ;color= header definition in package.ini for choosing colors for your package title.
    • Colors: red, green(default), blue, yellow, orange, purple, pink, white, ultra(wip)