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Python support for coimarketcap's APIs with cache and timezones support.


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pyCoinMarketCapAPI is a python interface for APIs, It supports

  • a cache mechanism.
  • a dynamic timezone mechanism.


  • Installation from source (requires git):
git clone <>
cd pyCoinMarketCapAPI
python install
  • Installation from pip:
pip install pyCoinMarketCapAPI

Getting started

First, import our class with:

import coinmarketcapapi

Then, we have to create an istance of our class:

coin_apis = coinmarketcapapi.CoinMarketCapAPI()

See Class' constructor parameters for the class' parameters.

Okay, let's call the server:


Thanks to this method we filled our class with new data and the Cache mechanism will be activated (See Cache mechanism), call this method is necessary for the first time in order to have data to work with.

You can pass to the send_request() method all the parameters allowed by the official APIs (See Public methods)

Then, make our first call:

coin = coin_apis.coin(coin_name='bitcoin')

See Public methods (highly recommended)

So easy! Check out what coin is:

>>> print (type(coin))
<class 'coinmarketcapapi.types.Coin'>

Our coin variable is an istance of the Coin class. Now, if we want to know (for example) its change in 1h (in percentage):

>>> print (coin.percent_change_1h)

See Types (highly recommended)


Just be sure you have installed python 3.6.* or higher.


Class constructor parameters

The parameter we can pass through CoinMarketCapAPI class is max_request_per_minute, see the table below for further information.

Parameter Type Optional Function
max_request_per_minute Int No, but initialized to 9 Define the max number of requests to the APIs server per minute (See Cache mechanism)

Public methods

  • coin(coin_name="string")

You should use this method to get an istance of Coin class (See Types) of one coin (specified through coin_name parameter)

  • coins()

You should use this method to get info about all available coins. It'll return a generator object of Coin istances of all coins:

>>> print (type(coin_apis.coins()))
<class 'generator'>

that you can iterate:

>>> for coin_istance in coin_apis.coins():
...     print (coin_istance.coin_id, coin_istance.symbol, coin_istance.price_usd, coin_istance.percent_change_24h)

bitcoin BTC 16861.1 -2.47
ethereum ETH 866.568 6.05
bitcoin-cash BCH 3672.79 8.72
ripple XRP 1.01362 31.25
litecoin LTC 328.665 -0.57
iota MIOTA 5.12173 -4.6
cardano ADA 0.489473 -3.38
dash DASH 1511.09 14.38

(See Types to know which and how to get data from the Coin istance)

Optionally, you can use:

  • get_response()

If only a "ticker" type request is cached, this method returns the response converted from json to a python list:

>>> print (coin_apis.get_response())
[{'id': 'bitcoin', 'name': 'Bitcoin', 'symbol': 'BTC', 'rank': '1', 'price_usd': '16861.1', 'price_btc': '1.0', '24h_volume_usd': '18988100000.0', 'market_cap_usd': '282504560613', 'available_supply': '16754812.0', 'total_supply': '16754812.0', 'max_supply': '21000000.0', 'percent_change_1h': '-1.0', 'percent_change_24h': '-2.47', 'percent_change_7d': '1.59', 'last_updated': '1513851256'}, {'id': 'ethereum', 'name': 'Ethereum', 'symbol': 'ETH', 'rank': '2', 'price_usd': '866.568', 'price_btc': '0.0515602', '24h_volume_usd': '3621040000.0', 'market_cap_usd': '83602326421.0', 'available_supply': '96475206.0', 'total_supply': '96475206.0', 'max_supply': None, 'percent_change_1h': '0.07', 'percent_change_24h': '6.05', 'percent_change_7d': '19.97', 'last_updated': '1513851256'}, ... ]
>>> print (type(coin_apis.get_response()))
<class 'list'>

If only a "global" type request is cached, this method returns the response converted from json to a python dict:

>>> print (coin_apis.get_response()
{'active_assets': 464,
 'active_currencies': 910,
 'active_markets': 7397,
 'bitcoin_percentage_of_market_cap': 43.34,
 'last_updated': 1514481559,
 'total_24h_volume_usd': 31313412913.0,
 'total_market_cap_usd': 559006768817.0}
>>> print (type(coin_apis.get_response()))
<class 'dict'>

If we have both, we have to pass a data_type parameter through the function:

coin_apis.get_response(data_type='ticker') # for ticker cached data
coin_apis.get_response(data_type='global') # for global cached data
  • send_request()

The send_request() method is used to retrieve new data from the official coinmarketcap server: the first parameter is endpoint initialised to ticker, it accepts all parameters described by the official doc.

Endpoint Function Example
ticker Retrieve specific currency endpoint="ticker"
global Retrieve global data endpoint="global"

The table above explain how endopint are organised

Parameter Optional Example Endpoint Function
convert Yes convert="EUR" ticker, global From doc: (string) convert - return price, 24h volume, and market cap in terms of another currency. Valid values are: "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR"
start Yes start=5 ticker From doc: (int) start - return results from rank [start] and above
limit Yes limit=10 ticker From doc: (int) limit - return a maximum of [limit] results (default is 100, use 0 to return all results)

The table above explain how parameters are organised

The built function should be something like:

send_request() # endpoint is default 'ticker', no additional params
# or
send_request(limit=5) # ticker endpoint with limit parameter
# or
send_request(endpoint="global") # global endpoint with no additional params
# or
send_request(endpoint='global', convert="EUR") # global endpoint with convert parameter


  • class Coin

An istance of the Coin class is returned for every coin's info requested (as explained in Public methods section), you can access the information of the coin through the class' attributes as explained in the table below:

Attribute name Type Info type
coin_id String Coin id
name String Coin name
symbol String Coin symbol
rank Int Coin rank
price_usd Float Coin price (in USD)
price_btc Float Coin price (in BTB)
volume_usd_24h Float Volume in the last 24h (in USD)
market_cap_usd Float Market Cap (in USD)
available_supply Float Available supply
total_supply Float if present else None Total supply
max_supply Float Max supply
percent_change_1h Float if present else None Value change in the last hour (percentage)
percent_change_24h Float if present else None Value change in the 24h (percentage)
percent_change_7d Float if present else None Value change in the last week (percentage)
last_updated datetime object if present else None Last data update of API server
price_converted Float if present else None Price converted (in the currency specified, see send_request() in Public methods)
volume_24h_converted Float if present else None Volume in the last 24h converted (in the currency specified, see send_request() in Public methods)
market_cap_converted Float if present else None Market CAP converted in the currency specified, see send_request() in Public methods)

total_supply, percent_change_7d, percent_change_1h, percent_change_24h could be None because API could send null as their value.

price_converted, volume_24h_converted, market_cap_converted could be None if no convert parameter has been passed to send_request() public method.

Cache mechanism

One of the features of this library is the Cache Mechanism. Simply, as explained in Class constructor parameters, you can specify how many requests per minute you want to send to the server, you can call the send_request() plublic method as many times as you want: the mechanism will automatically choose if return the cached response, or call the server for new and fresh data, don't worry, the data will be cleverly managed and refreshed with regular time cadence (respecting, of course, the preset limit)

Running the tests

  • You can automatically run the tests (Recommended choice) running:
python test

(It'll provide to install dependencies and run all the tests)

  • You can manually run the tests simply running:
$ for file in $(ls tests); do
    if [[ $file != __* ]]; then
        python tests/$file
Ran 3 tests in 28.044s


(it requires the unittest python package included in the Python Standard Library)

Break down into end to end tests


This test simply will test if the cache mechanism works correctly.


This test simply will test if the public methods (and other elements that'll be explained later) will return the expected and correct result(s). See the tests files for further info!

The output of the tests should be something like:

$ python tests/
Ran 3 tests in 27.253s


$ python tests/
Ran 4 tests in 0.001s


# and so on



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Let me know if you are using this APIs and I'll add your project here


Python support for coimarketcap's APIs with cache and timezones support.







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  • Python 100.0%