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Postman Collection: Link


  • Copy contents of env.example into .env, and update with your credentials

Problem Definition

Create REST API using NodeJS/Express with MySQL as DB, generate a Postman collection for the same

Use the .env file to store database credentials.

  1. Authentication:

    -Create a login and register APIs. Register with Fields: name, email, password. Login with email/password. Password have to be encrypted before saving in the db.

    -Use JWT token for authorization

  2. Task CRUD: (fields: title, due date, attachment (file), user)

    -Create Task API- Create a task with the above-mentioned fields and assign it to the current logged-in user with it in the DB.

    -Task list API- get tasks of the logged-in user

    -Edit Task- similar to create a task but on a given task ID

    -Delete Task- delete a task by ID.

    ( Only logged-in users can perform the CRUD operations for his/her tasks.Upload a CSV file for multiple tasks and import it to the database. )