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This is an easy to use Framework wrapped on top of Appium. It is completely configurable thru the config file. It can be used to test native Mobile app for iOS and Android platform. This framework introduces AOM (Activity Object Model) concept similar to Page Object Model but little different as the activity locators are stored in a hierarchical…


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This is an easy to use Mobile Automation Framework build on top of Appium. It is completely configurable thru the config file. It can be used to test native Mobile app for iOS and Android platform. This framework introduces AOM (Activity Object Model) concept similar to Page Object Model and promotes fluent coding style. Main aim behind this framework is to minimize the line of codes that is needed to write tests as all of the heavy weight lifting is done by the framework itself. Also, it is possible to do Automation with multiple devices in a single test if needed.


You need to use following in your pom.xml in order to use this framework.


You will also need following supporting dependencies which is also required to be added in your pom file.


Getting started with the Framework.

Config file:

This the heart of this framework. It is a yaml file which will have all the settings needed for your tests. The framework will try to find System property coteafs.appium.config which will have the path of the config file. If it is not specified, by default, it will search the file at src/test/resources/test-config.yaml. If this file is not found, then it will throw AppiumConfigFileNotFoundException.

Supported Server Config List:

Following is the server config list:

Key Sample Value Default Value Description
ip null IP Address
port 4723 0 Port Number
start_up_time_out_seconds 60 60 Wait timeout for Server to start.
session_timeout 120 120 New command timeout value.
external true false true, if using external server run from terminal, else, if required for framework to start the server.
appium_js_path path\to\appiumJS null Path to main.js file in appium installation directory.
no_reset true false true, if app reset is not required, else, can be omitted.
full_reset true false true, if full reset of app is required, else, can be omitted.

Supported Device Config List:

Following is the device config list:

Key Platform Allowed Values Description
device_name Both Name of the device.
device_type Both ANDROID, IOS, WINDOWS Device type.
device_version Both Platform version.
automation_name Both APPIUM, XCUI Automation used.
app_name IOS Application Name
app_type Both HYBRID, NATIVE, WEB Application Type.
app_package Android Application Package Name.
app_location Both Local path to Application apk or ipa file.
external_app Both true, false false, if app resides in src/test/resources folder, otherwise, true.
app_activity Android Loading activity name.
app_wait_activity Android Activity name to wait for to load.
clear_system_files Both true, false true, will clear all the files after driver quit, else, false.
default_wait Both Int Implicit wait.
wait_for_element_until Both Int Explicit wait.
bundle_id IOS Application Bundle Id.
udid IOS Device UDID.
team_id IOS Apple Developer 10 char unique id.
signing_id IOS iPhone Developer Hardcoded value.
agent_path IOS WebDriverAgent project location.
bootstrap_path IOS WebDriverAgent xcode project file location.
updated_wda_bundle_id IOS Bundle Id for which code is signed.
use_new_wda IOS true, false true, will use new wda app everytime, else false.
use_prebuilt_wda IOS true, false true, will not build and deploy wda app on device, else, false.
wda_connection_timeout IOS Int WDA connection timeout value.
session_timeout Both Int New command timeout value.
no_reset Both false true, if app reset is not required, else, can be omitted.
full_reset Both false true, if full reset of app is required, else, can be omitted.


Framework handles all the events and throws a meaningful exception which is easy to identify the cause of failure. Following is the list of exception and their events of occurring:

Exception Events
AppiumConfigFileNotFoundException When Config file is not found.
AppiumConfigNotLoadedException When some error occurs while loading the config file.
AppiumConfigParameterNotFoundException When the config file is missing mandatory params.
AppiumServerAlreadyRunningException When Appium server is already running.
AppiumServerNotRunningException When Appium server is not running.
AppiumServerNotStartingException When there is Error while starting the server.
AppiumServerNotStoppingException When there is Error while stopping the server.
AppiumServerStoppedException When trying to interact with device while Appium server is stopped.
DeviceAppNotClosingException When there is Error while closing Device app.
DeviceAppNotFoundException When device app is not found on local machine.
DeviceDesiredCapabilitiesNotSetException When device mandatory desired capabilities is not set.
DeviceDriverDefaultWaitException When there is Error while setting implicit waits.
DeviceDriverInitializationFailedException When there is Error while initializing device driver.
DeviceDriverNotStartingException When there is Error while starting device driver.
DeviceDriverNotStoppingException When there is Error while quitting device driver.
DeviceElementDisabledException When you are trying to interact with disabled element.
DeviceElementFindTimedOutException When element is not ready within specified explicit delay given in config file.
DeviceElementNotDisplayedException When you are trying to interact with element which is not yet displayed.
DeviceElementNotFoundException When device element cannot be found.
DeviceTypeNotSupportedException When the mentioned device type is not supported by the framework.


By default, framework create 3 types of log files under /logs folder as specified below:

Log File Name Description
test-log-all.log Logs all the events in this file.
test-log-error.log Logs only the errors encountered in this file.
test-log-main.log Logs only the info events in this file.

The name of the file cannot be changed. If it is requested by many, then it can be done. Following is the sample content of the logs which is generated by the framework.

[21:25:58.889] [INFO ] - Preparing to perform actions on iOS device element UserName... (IOSActivity:) 
[21:25:58.903] [INFO ] - Loading elements on iOS activity... (DeviceActivity:) 
[21:26:03.472] [INFO ] - Clearing element [UserName]... (DeviceElementActions:) 
[21:26:05.509] [INFO ] - Entering text [User1] in element [UserName]... (DeviceElementActions:) 
[21:26:07.148] [INFO ] - Preparing to perform actions on iOS device element Password... (IOSActivity:) 
[21:26:12.372] [INFO ] - Clearing element [Password]... (DeviceElementActions:) 
[21:26:14.491] [INFO ] - Entering text [Pass@123] in element [Password]... (DeviceElementActions:) 
[21:26:15.985] [INFO ] - Preparing to perform actions on iOS device element Go... (IOSActivity:) 
[21:26:23.432] [INFO ] - Tapping on element [Go] using [1] finger(s) with [100] ms delay... (DeviceElementActions:) 

Verification of Elements:

It is possible to do assertion on any device element without writing any assertion ourself. This is handled in the framework where you can do assertion on any Element inline. Following is an example on how to do it.

	. . .
	final DashboardActivity main = new DashboardActivity (this.device);
	main.onElement ("TypedAmt")
		.verifyThat ()
		.textShouldBeEqualTo ("$0.1");
	. . .

Neat and clean, is'nt it??

Sample Test

Let's demonstrate basic example of how to use this framework.

Sample Config file.

Here we can configure all the required servers and devices.

  android:  // Used to refer config in tests.
    port: 4723
    external: true
    port: 4724
    external: true
    port: 4725
    external: true

    device_type: ANDROID
    device_name: Mi4
    device_version: 6.0.1
    app_type: HYBRID
    automation_name: APPIUM
    app_location: app/android/your_app.apk
    session_timeout: 6000
    clear_system_files: true
    device_type: IOS
    device_name: iPhone 6
    device_version: 10.3.1
    udid: XXXX
    app_type: HYBRID
    app_location: app/iphone/your_app.ipa
    automation_name: XCUI
    app_name: Campus Key
    team_id: XXXXXXXXXX
    signing_id: iPhone Developer
    bootstrap_path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent
    agent_path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
    session_timeout: 6000
    device_type: IOS
    device_name: iPad Mini 4
    device_version: 10.3.1
    udid: XXXX
    app_type: HYBRID
    app_location: app/ipad/your_app.ipa
    automation_name: XCUI
    app_name: [Your App Name]
    team_id: XXXXXXXXXX
    signing_id: iPhone Developer
    bootstrap_path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent
    agent_path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
    session_timeout: 6000
    wda_connection_timeout: 6000
    full_reset: true
    clear_system_files: true

Sample Activity

For each activity, we need to create an Activity class by extending AndroidActivity class if working on Android, or IOSActivity if working on IOS device.

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import com.github.wasiqb.coteafs.appium.device.DeviceElement;
import com.github.wasiqb.coteafs.appium.ios.IOSActivity;
import com.github.wasiqb.coteafs.appium.ios.IOSDevice;

public class LoginActivity extends IOSActivity {
	public LoginActivity (final IOSDevice device) {
		super (device);

  // You need to implement this protected method.
	protected DeviceElement prepare () {
    // This the root element as seen in Inspector.
		final DeviceElement login = DeviceElement.create ("Login")
			.using (By.className ("UIAApplication"));
    // This is the child element of login created above.
		DeviceElement.create ("UserName")
			.parent (login)
			.using (By.className ("UIATextField"));
    // This is also the child element of login created above.
		DeviceElement.create ("Password")
			.parent (login)
			.using (By.className ("UIASecureTextField"));
    // This is also the child element of login created above.
		DeviceElement.create ("Login")
			.parent (login)
			.using ( ("Sign In"));
		return login;

Sample Test

After creating the activity above, you now will move straight to writing tests. Below is a sample test.

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;

import com.github.wasiqb.coteafs.appium.ios.IOSDevice;
import com.github.wasiqb.coteafs.appium.service.AppiumServer;

import io.appium.java_client.SwipeElementDirection;

public class IOSHappyPathDemo {
	protected IOSDevice	device;
	protected AppiumServer	server;
  @BeforeSuite (alwaysRun = true)
	public void setupTestSuite () {
		this.server = new AppiumServer ("ipad");
		this.server.start ();

		this.device = new IOSDevice (this.server, "ipad");
		this.device.start ();
	@AfterSuite (alwaysRun = true)
	public void tearDownTestSuite () {
		if (this.server != null && this.device != null) {
			this.device.stop ();
			this.server.stop ();

	public void test1 () {
		final LoginActivity login = new LoginActivity (this.device);
		login.onElement ("UserName")
			.enterText ("UserID_1");
		login.onElement ("Password")
			.enterText ("Password1");
		login.onElement ("Login")
			.tap (100);

Known issues.

  1. Sometimes it is observed that due some conflicting dependencies for SnakeYaml and Google's Guava, you need to make sure you add exclusion in other library dependenceis (which is internally using an old version of the above mentioned library) which you may use in your pom along with this framework. This is how you do this:

If this won't solve the issues, than you need to remove old versions from your .m2 repository from your local machine for both SnakeYaml and Google's Guava.

  1. For now, you must use external server as server started from Framework is causing problem for IOS. For Android it works.

Following not yet supported

Windows platform is not yet supported which will be done later.

  • Windows Platform
  • Mobile web apps

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This is an easy to use Framework wrapped on top of Appium. It is completely configurable thru the config file. It can be used to test native Mobile app for iOS and Android platform. This framework introduces AOM (Activity Object Model) concept similar to Page Object Model but little different as the activity locators are stored in a hierarchical…







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