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The FlickBytes By Praabindh - AI Powered Movie App [React.js, Material UI, Alan AI]


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The FlickBytes By Praabindh

The FlickBytes - AI Powered Movie App [React.js, Material UI, Alan AI]
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgments

About The Project

FlickBytes by Praabindh's Org is an innovative web application that offers a comprehensive platform for movie enthusiasts to explore, interact with, and discover new films. With its powerful creativity and utilization of advanced JavaScript tools, such as React.js, Redux, Material UI, and Alan AI, FlickBytes delivers an engaging user experience.



User Authentication

This feature allows users to create accounts, log in, and manage their personal information.

Light & Dark Mode

FlickBytes offers a choice between light and dark themes, allowing users to customize the appearance of the application according to their preferences.

API Calls With Axios & Redux

Axios is a JavaScript library used for making HTTP requests, and Redux is a state management library. These technologies enable the application to interact with external APIs and manage the data retrieved from those APIs efficiently.

Actors & Movie Details Page

Users can explore detailed information about movies, including information about actors involved in the production.

Watchlist & List Of Favorite Movies

This feature allows users to create a personal watchlist and mark movies as their favorites, making it easier for them to keep track of the movies they want to watch or have enjoyed.

Movie Search Functionality

Users can search for specific movies based on their titles, genres, or other criteria.

Project's Live Shots

Within this compilation, we proudly present a curated selection of captivating snapshots that were skillfully captured during the dynamic and enthralling live phase of the project.

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FlickByte | The Home

FlickBytes Home

FlickByte | All Genres

FlickBytes Genres

FlickByte | Movie Listing

This feature may provide several filtering and sorting options, enabling users to search for movies based on specific criteria, such as movie ratings, genre, or release date.

FlickBytes Movie Listing

FlickByte | Movie Information

Well-structured and visually appealing layout that showcases all relevant information about the selected movie. This may include details such as the movie's title, release date, duration, genre, director, and cast members.

FlickBytes Movie Information

FlickByte | Movie Search

Empowers users to quickly and efficiently find specific movies based on their preferences and search criteria. It serves as a dedicated search functionality designed to enhance the movie discovery experience for users.

FlickBytes Movie Search

FlickByte | My Profile

Allows users to manage their personal information, preferences, and activity within the platform. It serves as a dedicated section where users can access and customize their profile settings. This includes users' watchlist & favorite movies within the platform.

FlickBytes My Profile

FlickByte | Light Mode

The overall design and color palette of the application are adjusted to create a visually lighter and brighter experience. This typically involves using lighter shades for backgrounds, text, buttons, and other interface elements.

FlickBytes Light Mode

FlickByte | A.I. Search

The AI-powered search system analyzes the input and applies sophisticated algorithms to understand the user's intent and retrieve the most relevant and accurate results.

FlickBytes AI Search

FlickByte | Artist Informations

Users with detailed information on the artists associated with a movie, such as the director, actors, and crew. It enables users to access comprehensive biographical data, career highlights, and other relevant information about the artists involved in a particular movie.

FlickBytes Artist Information

FlickByte | Video Player

The video player provides standard controls such as play, pause, rewind, and fast-forward, allowing users to adjust the playback speed according to their preferences.

FlickBytes Video Player

FlickByte | Popular Featured

FlickBytes Popular Featured

FlickByte | Recommendations

FlickBytes Recommendations

Alan AI Voice Functionality & Many More.

Alan AI is an AI-powered voice assistant. By integrating Alan AI into FlickBytes, users can interact with the application using voice commands, making the user experience more intuitive and hands-free.

In addition to these features, it's mentioned that FlickBytes combines powerful creativity with technologies such as React.js, Redux, Material UI, and more. React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, Redux is a state management library, and Material UI is a UI component library that provides pre-styled components for a consistent and visually appealing design.

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FlickByte - Complete Project Description

The FlickBytes project focuses on enhancing the movie browsing experience through a variety of features. User authentication ensures that users can create accounts, log in securely, and manage their personal information within the application. By offering both light and dark modes, FlickBytes allows users to customize the visual appearance of the interface to match their preferences.

The application leverages Axios and Redux to seamlessly make API calls, facilitating data retrieval from external sources. This functionality enables FlickBytes to provide comprehensive information about movies, including details about actors involved in their production. Users can delve into actors' filmography and explore specific movie details, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the film industry.


FlickBytes also offers a watchlist and a list of favorite movies, empowering users to curate personalized collections of films. This feature facilitates organization and tracking of movies users intend to watch or have already enjoyed. To further streamline the movie discovery process, a robust search functionality allows users to search for movies based on titles, genres, or other criteria, making it easier to find specific films or explore movies within their preferred genres.

One of the standout features of FlickBytes is its integration of Alan AI, an in-app voice assistant. By incorporating Alan AI, the application enables users to interact with it through voice commands, providing a hands-free and intuitive experience. Users can perform various tasks, such as searching for movies, accessing movie details, and managing their watchlist, simply by speaking to Alan AI.

Overall, FlickBytes by Praabindh's Org combines a visually appealing user interface, advanced JavaScript tools, and a range of features to offer a dynamic and immersive movie browsing experience. Whether users are seeking information about movies, managing their film preferences, or discovering new titles, FlickBytes strives to provide an all-encompassing platform for movie enthusiasts.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps


List of things you need to use and how to install them:

NPM - Node Package Manager

npm install npm@latest -g



  1. Install Node, NPM, NVM (If Required)

  2. Get a free TMDB API Key at

  3. Clone the repository

    git clone
  4. Install NPM packages:

    npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  5. Create your .env file

  6. Enter your TMDB API key in your .env.

    REACT_APP_TMDB_KEY=<put your key here>

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For a full demonstration of all the functionalities of this phenomenal web application check out this demo site.

_For more detailes regarding TMDB API calls, please refer to the Documentation.

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project

  2. Create your Feature Branch

git checkout -b feature/AwesomeFeature

  1. Commit your Changes

git commit -m 'Added Some AwesomeFeature'

  1. Push to the Branch

git push origin feature/AwesomeFeature

  1. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.

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Praabindh Pradeep | Personal - @praabindhp

Praabindh P | Codingmart - @praabindh

Built During The Internship Phase Of Product Engineer In Codingmart Technologies, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dated & Documented : May 17, 2023

Project Link -

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Created & Documented By Praabindh Pradeep


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