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Version 0.1.0

Disclaimer: All software, documents, and HDL files, etc., are provided as is.
Academic, non-commercial users may use all provided files without charge for non-commercial purposes.
The tools and benchmarks provided here cannot be used for commercial purposes.

All software is for internal use only. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.

You running this script/function means you will not blame the author(s) for any damage to your system or data. Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. We reserve the right to modify the Disclaimer at any time without notice.

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#System Requirements:
SAIL 0.1.0 has been tested on the following setups:
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo) x86
* Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS x86

#Data Generation:

SAIL 0.1.0 currently supports flattened Verilog designs and Cadence GSC 180nm standard cell library with the following gates only:
AND2X1, AOI21X1, AOI22X1, INVX1, MX2X1, NAND2X1, NAND3X1, NAND4X1, NOR2X1, NOR3X1, NOR4X1, OAI21X1, OAI22X1,

Assign statements are only supported after input/output/wire declarations and before gate instance declarations.

Pre-synthesis, post-synthesis locked design pairs should have the naming convention <design_name>_pre.v and <design_name>_post.v. The design_name should be same and cannot have '_' character.

Examples are provided in <RN-XOR_StandardDS_Test_Dataset> and  <RN-XOR_StandardDS_Train_Dataset>.

#Training a SAIL Model From Scratch:
A pre-trained model has been provided (“./RN-XOR_FullModel.npy”). It has been trained with the GSC 180nm standard cell lib with limited cells.
The synthesis tool used is Synopsys Design Compiler with high area and power efforts. All other settings are default.

If you want to train a new model on pre-synthesis, post-synthesis locked designs see below steps:

Executable to use: SAIL-RD_TrainModel (Run it from inside ./binary/)

Sample Command:

./SAIL-RD_TrainModel -XNodeCut 3_4_5 -XInDepthCutoff 2 -XOutDepthCutoff 2 -YNodeCut 3 -YDepthCutoff 2 -maxKeyBits 512 -keyBaseName_Train keyInPseudo -unityDSPath ../RN-XOR_StandardDS_Train_Dataset/ -lib -1 -verbose 0 -modelOutPath ../RN-XOR_SampleModel.npy

-XNodeCut: A list of locality size cutoffs when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations. Multiple localities separated by "_".

-XInDepthCutoff: Maximum posterior depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations

-XOutDepthCutoff: Maximum anterior depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations

-YNodeCut: The predicted pre-synthesis locality size. Also the locality size cutoffs when constructing the pre-synthesis locality representations

-YDepthCutoff: Maximum depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the pre-synthesis locality representations

-maxKeyBits: Number of the bits in the largest key used among all the netlists begin used for the analysis.

-keyBaseName_Train: The name of the key input variable. All keys must be declared as an array in Verilog.

-unityDSPath: Path to the Training Dataset. For a design X, name the pre synthesis design "X_pre.v" and name the post synthesis design as "X_post.v". Put them in a folder called "netlists" in this path provided. Please put a "/" at the end of the path. The script will create, delete, modify folders/files in this path so make sure you have a backup of all the data in this location. 

-lib: Keep it -1 for now. This will be of use when we add support to libraries other than GSC.

-verbose: Keep it at 0 to avoid seeing debug messages.

-modelOutPath: The path and name of the trained model file that SAIL will be generating. Please use ".npy" as the extension. The script will overwrite any exisiting file at this path. 


#Evaluating a <pre-synthesis, post-synthesis> pair using a pre-trained SAIL model:

Executable to use: SAIL-RD_Evaluate (Run it from inside ./binary/)

Sample Commands:

./SAIL-RD_Evaluate -XNodeCut 3_4_5 -XInDepthCutoff 2 -XOutDepthCutoff 2 -YNodeCut 3 -YDepthCutoff 2 -maxKeyBits 512 -keyBaseName_Test keyIn -preNetlist ../RN-XOR_StandardDS_Test_Dataset/netlists/10_c1355_pre.v -postNetlist ../RN-XOR_StandardDS_Test_Dataset/netlists/10_c1355_post.v -lib -1 -verbose 0 -modelPath ../RN-XOR_FullModel.npy -tempFolderPath ../temp1/ -topN 5

-XNodeCut: A list of locality size cutoffs when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations. Multiple localities separated by "_".

-XInDepthCutoff: Maximum posterior depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations

-XOutDepthCutoff: Maximum anterior depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the post-synthesis locality representations

-YNodeCut: The predicted pre-synthesis locality size. Also the locality size cutoffs when constructing the pre-synthesis locality representations

-YDepthCutoff: Maximum depth of Breadth-First-Search when constructing the pre-synthesis locality representations

-maxKeyBits: Number of the bits in the largest key used among all the netlists begin used for the analysis.

-keyBaseName_Test: The name of the key input variable. All keys must be declared as an array in Verilog.

-preNetlist: Path to the pre-synthesis netlist.

-postNetlist: Path to the post-synthesis netlist.

-lib: Keep it -1 for now. This will be of use when we add support to libraries other than GSC.

-verbose: Keep it at 0 to avoid seeing debug messages.

-modelPath: The path to the trained SAIL model.

-topN: Choose N for the Top-N accuracy metric. This should be reported along with the results.

-tempFolderPath: Path to a working space for the script. The script will create, delete, modify folders/files in this path so make sure you have a backup of all the data in this location. 


The predicted locality outputs are stored in <tempFolderPath>/SAIL_RD_results



1) Keeping XInDepthCutoff, XOutDepthCutoff and YDepthCutoff set to 2 should be sufficient for dealing with localities upto size 6 gates. For evaluating a very large locality size above 6, you may try setting them to 3 or higher.

2) If you set YNodeCut to say "A", then for XNodeCut use "<A>_<A+1>_<A+2>". This is a general rule of thumb that we believe works best. Free feel to experiment.

3) Reporting results for topN = (1, 5, 10, 20) gives a good picture of the SAIL efficiency for the given design.

4) The SAIL attack works best if we train the model for the target locking technique. However, one can use a pre-trained model which was trained on a different locking technique dataset.

5) The provided model ("RN-XOR_FullModel.npy") was trained on more than 50,000 <preSynthesis, postSynthesis> locality pairs with settings <-XNodeCut 3_4_5 -XInDepthCutoff 2 -XOutDepthCutoff 2 -YNodeCut 3 -YDepthCutoff 2>. The target locking technique was XOR-based locking. This model may not work well for locking techniques that employ different locking gates than XOR-based logic locking.



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