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Releases: practicalli/project-templates

2024-04-20 Security fix & update

28 Apr 14:54
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release: 2024-04-20 Security fix & update

  • service: system helper function in repl help menu
  • security: update to org.clojure/clojure 1.11.2
  • library: update to 0.10.0 - caches correctly in docker
  • templates: update mulog-events/stop publisher help & example
  • make: docker-build-log task to create log file of all docker output for diagnosis

2024-04-08 mulog config enhancements

08 Apr 22:29
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release: 2024-04-08 mulog config enhancements

  • dev: update user docs - mulog set global context namespace
  • service: party.donut/system version 0.0.241
  • service: mulog donut config for user repl startup
  • service: refactor template-edn function to aid diagnosis
  • readme: simplify readme, add overview, remove older examples
  • service: move mulog publisher inside donut system config

2024-01-23 maintenance release

23 Jan 21:28
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release: 2024-01-05


  • health: remove FUNDING.yaml and use Practicalli Org file
  • readme: update sponsorship link to practicalli-johnny account
  • dev: add license to project and templates with gitignore pattern

2024-01-05 maintenance release

05 Jan 22:40
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2024-01-05 maintenance release

  • dev: update upload-artifactv4 action in megalinter workflow
  • dev: setup-java v4 action in quality-checks workflow
  • dev: clojure cli in quality-checks workflow
  • dev: deps-new v0.6.0 library dependency in deps.edn

2023-11-03 CI workflow updates & Git Ignore patterns

03 Nov 10:32
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Update CI workflow library versions & use git ignore inclusive patterns (exclude all, include specific patterns)


  • dev: remove :build from cider-jack-in configuration in .dir-locals.el
  • templates: git ignore excluded all pattern from root directory, include general project and Clojure specific patterns
  • dev: checkout action v4 in GitHub workflow
  • template: checkout action v4 in all GitHub workflow
  • dev: setup-clojure action v12.1 in GitHub workflow
  • template: setup-clojure action v12.1 in all GitHub workflow
  • template: Clojure CLI version in quality-check workflow
  • template: lambdaisland kaocha version 1.87.1366
  • dev: lambdaisland kaocha version 1.87.1366
  • dev: update seancorfield/deps-new to v0.5.3

2023-08-02 Maintenance release

02 Aug 21:23
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2023-08-02 Maintenance release

  • minimal: remove :build from .dir-locals.el project configuration

2023-08-01 CI workflow config updates

01 Aug 10:38
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release: 2023-08-01

Updated to CI workflow configuration

  • ci: Clojure CLI
  • ci: spell lychee link checker errors as warnings
  • ci: repository trufflehog secrets checker errors as warnings

2023-07-26 Refactor dev in minimal template

26 Jul 14:36
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Refactor dev files in practicalli/minimal template to be consistent with other templates

  • minimal: refactor dev repl workflow files to be consistent with other templates
  • minimal: require for mulog

2023-07-17-2 Integrant rule set update

17 Jul 16:13
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2023-07-17-2 Integrant rule set update

2023-07-17-1 Fix default service template

17 Jul 15:45
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2023-07-17-1 Fix default service template


  • router with system-config template files (donut, integrant)


  • fix(service) rouge port expression removed
  • fix(service) -main takes port value on command line
  • fix(service) redundant http-kit require
  • fix(service) update start function in serice-repl (default)
  • fix(service) router as def (default)