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Puppet module for managing Consular.

DEPRECATED: Consular has been deprecated and it, as well as this Puppet module, will no longer be maintained.

This is a very simple module and does not include a lot of features. It is only compatible with certain versions of Ubuntu (those that use Upstart as their init system) and has only been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.

NOTE: We currently provide Consular packages from a PPA. This is a temporary PPA that is managed manually by a single individual in his personal capacity. It needs to be replaced with a better one that gets automated package updates and such.


class { 'consular':
  package_ensure => 'latest',
  host           => $::ipaddress_eth0,
  port           => 7070,
  consul         => '',
  marathon       => '',
  sync_interval  => 300,
  purge          => true,

For a full list of options see the manifest source.