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Quickly setup a blog for yourself with help of some already built features.

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Create your blogging website from groundup full configured 📓


Everybody is motivated to create a blog website to write on their activities, or share something with their friend and family. But, developing something on own is time consuming and often people resort to the blogging sites which would read your content. Keeping this in mind, this web app is created with basic functionality to bring up docker containers on a purchased VM (aws, digitalocean, heroku etc..) and quickly launch with few commands.


Important part of the setup is the centered with env_template, let us look that in details:

Configuration Description Values
APP_CONFIG Config for the app, ideally will point to different database dev, test, prod
FLASK_BLOG_PORT PORT to run the blog app Default:9090
FLASK_ADMIN_PORT PORT to run blog admin Default:5005
FLASK_HOST FLASK listener Defaults: and do not change
DB_USER Database Username String username
DB_PASSWORD Database Password String password which should be strong
DB_DRIVER Database driver Defaults: mysql (Do not change, until using another db)
DB_HOST Your database host Docker:mysql_db, Others: Hostname of the VM where DB is present
DB_NAME Name of the database String database name
DB_PORT Mysql PORT Defaults: 3306
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY Generated RECAPTCHA key String key needed to handle while commenting
MAIL_USERNAME Admin email id Any created email id as String
MAIL_PASSWORD Admin email id password Any created email password
CACHE_TYPE Default Flask caching Defaults:simple
CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT Default caching timeout Default:300s
SECRET_KEY Flask Secret Strong secret
UPLOAD_FOLDER Folder to hold the uploaded content Defaults:uploads
ADMIN_USERNAME root username for blog admin username as String
PASSWORD root user initial password password as String
F_NAME root user name, for posting String
EMAIL root user email for replies String
post_init_limit Limit of number of post Defaults:10
blog_header Name of your blog String blog name
blog_subheader Subheader for your blog Subname
social_git Git link String
social_linkedin Linkedin link String
social_stack Stackoverflow Link String

Once, after creating the environments, rename .env_template to .env (This file will not be shared or push to github). Also, I have added and .env_example to fasten the process.

Recaptcha setup:

Please follow the google recaptcha setup here: and add the RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SITE_SECRET.

Building and running Database:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-mysql.yml up -d

Building and running blog_admin:

docker-compose build blog-admin-app docker-compose up -d blog-admin-app

Building and running blog_app:

docker-compose build blog-app docker-compose up -d blog-app

Run locally:

Running blog_admin locally:

  1. First start the mysql database as above and point the same configurations in .env file.
  2. Then export the FLASK_APP from the root directory of the project which is SimplisticBlogger in this case as export FLASK_APP=blog_admin/app.
  3. To run, then use flask run --port 5000

Running only blog locally:

  1. First start the admin so that the author for the blog is created and create a post if you wish to.
  2. First start the mysql database as above and point the same configurations in .env file.
  3. Then export the FLASK_APP from the root directory of the project which is SimplisticBlogger in this case as export FLASK_APP=blog/app.
  4. To run, then use flask run --port 5001

Some screenshots:

  1. Blog Admin:
    Admin login
    Admin Dashboard
    Admin Posting
  2. Blog App: Blog App

Extensions ✏️:

  1. Currently the app uses Summernote editor for making a blog post, future look to integrate markdown editors.
  2. Improving comments and replies. (The current implementation only considers a simple way to do stuff, this can be improved)
  3. About me page can be attempted to be made dynamic.

Contact for any information/pull:

Subash Prakash

Give a ⭐ if this project has been useful to you in any ways.


  1. bootstrap clean blog
  2. Summernote