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API for scheduling projects for updates via rsync. This is a component of Google Summer of Code 2014 project with OSU Open Source Lab on FTP Mirror syncing architecture.


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Open Source Lab: Simple Mirror Syncing API

The following functionality is available (or in progress) at the moment: - Master Node API

  • Adding a slave node
  • Listing all slave nodes
  • Removing a slave node
  • Adding an upstream project
  • Removing a project
  • Updating a project
  • Listing all projects - Slave Node API

Clone project and edit settings

Note: These steps only needs to be performed during setup

  • Clone the repository on the master node.
  • Start an rsync daemon on the master node with an appropriate rsyncd conf file and password.
  • Keep only one rsyncd module on the master node. That is not only a requirement, but should be sufficient.
  • Edit the file suitably where parameters like master_hostname, master_rsync_password etc are defined.
  • Now copy the repository to each of the nodes (both master and slaves) at any location.

Proceed to next steps.

Running the master node REST API

virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python master/

# This starts the local api server (in development mode)

Note: Make sure you edit the settings in file before starting the master. The settings includes information like hostname of the master node. Rsync daemon password of master node rsync daemon.

Master node API runs on port 5000 by default.

Running the slave node REST API

On each of the slave nodes start the slave node API.

python slave/

Slave Node API runs on port 7000 by default. There should be no need to manually interact with the slave node API. It is primarily used by the master for inter system communication.

Adding a slave node

The master needs to be aware of the hostname of each of the slave node and the port where slave node API is running, hence adding slave nodes on the master is important.

Send a POST request to of content-type application/json type to:

The POST request should include username and password as per HttpBasicAuth authorization.

Allowed Roles: root (This means only root users are allowed to perform this operation)

Example payload:

data = {
 'hostname': 'localhost',
 'port': '7000'

Listing all slave nodes

Just send a GET request to /list_slaves/ This will list all the slave nodes added on master.

Allowed Roles: root

Removing a slave node

Send a POST request to of content-type application/json type to:

(Request should provide username and password using basic http authentication)

Example Payload:

data = {
 'hostname': <slave_node_hostname>,

Adding a project

Send a POST request to of content-type application/json type to:

Example payload:

     'project': 'fedora',
     'rsync_module': '<rsync_module_name>/relative_path',
     'rsync_host': '',
     'dest': '/data/ftp/.1/',
     'rsync_password': 'testpassword',
     'cron_options': {
       'minute': '*',
       'start_date': '2014-05-7 18:00',
     'rsync_options' : {
       'basic': [],
       'defaults': ['-avH',],
       'delete': '--delete',

The parameter names are self-explanatory.

  • project: Name of the project.

  • id (optional): This is set equal to the name of the project by default or can be set explicitly.

  • rsync_host: Hostname or IP address of the rsync source

  • rsync_module: Note that this parameter is not just rsync_module name but can also be rsync_module + relative path from the module on the host machine.

  • dest: Destination (Path on the master node where the contents from source folder are synced to)

  • start_date Yes, this is the effective time syncing starts (start time included). If this parameter is not provided syncing is in effect as soon as project is added. The backend uses fuzzy string parsing to map string to a correct datetime object. Unix date format: Eg. "Fri Jul 11 03:08:57 IST 2014" is perfect as it includes all required info to generate corresponding python datetime object. Even something like "2014-03-10 09:30" is accepable though default timezone is set as UTC as timezone is not explicitly provided.

  • rsync_options: are the extra rsync args that are provided immediately after the rsync command in the standard command line execution. In this API the rsync_options are divied into 3 parts (that should not contain common parameters):

    • defaults: The API sets some rsync flags by default. These can be overrided by setting this list parameter as a blank list or anything as required.
    • basic: Standard list of rsync options.
    • delete: There are 7 mutually exclusive delete options in rsync. Since only one of them can be used at a time, this parameter is a string.

Each project can have its own set of rsync options. These arguments mean the same as you would find in the rsync man page.

The following response is returned if adding project is successful:

     method: "add_project"
     project: "fedora"
     success: true
Scheduling parameters

The API uses a cron-like scheduling as defined in APScheduler documentation. All these scheduling parameters are specfied in the cron_options parameter. Fields greater than the least significant explicitly defined field default to * while lesser fields default to their minimum values except for week and day_of_week which default to *.

Note: Allthough most of these cron-like options are similar to traditional cron there are a few small differences including extra parameters described in detail in the above apscheduler page.

Example: A start_date can also be specified if required which is the effective time syncing starts (start time included). If this parameter is not provided syncing is in effect as soon as project is added.. You can obtain a valid start date by entering the following at bash prompt.

date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

Listing projects

Just send a GET request to the follo. to list all available projects.


    cron_options: {
      week: "*",
      hour: "*",
      day_of_week: "*",
      month: "*",
      second: "0",
      year: "*",
      day: "*",
      minute: "*"
    dest: "/home/pranjal/projects/osl/syncedup_temp/",
    enabled: true
    rsync_options : {
          'basic': [],
          'defaults': ['-avH',],
          'delete_option': '--delete',
    project: "ubuntu",
    rsync_module: "documents",
    rsync_host: "",
    password: "password",

The above list shows one project. There could be several projects listed in your case depending on how many you have added.

enabled parameter tells whether a project is enabled or disabled.

Enable/Disable a project

Disabled is synonymous with paused which is denoted by a false value of enabled parameter in project listing

/enable_project/ or /disable_project/ endpoints can be used providing id of project as a GET parameter to enable or disable a project.


This will pause the syncing for the project whose id=ubuntu.

Removing a project

Projects can be removed from the API records, based on their id. To remove a project send a POST request to of content-type application/json type to:


     "id": "fedora",

If a project named fedora is present in the jobstore it will be removed, otherwise no action will be performed. If the project was present and successfully removed, 'success' parameter in the JSON returned will be true, otherwise it will be false.

Updating a project

1. Updating Basic Settings

Send a JSON POST request to http://localhost:5000/update_project/basic/. Example json payload:

    data = {
      "id": "ubuntu",                                      # Complusary parameter
      "project": "fedora",
      "rsync_module": "new_module_name",                   # rsync module
      "rsync_host": "<new_ip_or_hostname>",
      "dest": "/home/pranjal/projects/osl/syncedup_temp/", # "/data/ftp/.1/",

id paramter is compulsory. The project parameter is optional. If this parameter is update the new id will also change and automatically set as per the name of the project.

[Note]: Id of the project changes after this operation if a different `project`
parameter is provided. Also make sure content-type of the request is `application/json`.
2. Updating Schedule Settings

Send a POST request to http://localhost:5000/update_project/schedule/. Example json payload:

    data = {
     "id": "ubuntu",
     "minute": "*/5",
     "start_date": "2014-05-7 18:00",                    # $ date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

[Rule]: The previous schedule parameters will be overwritten by the current schedule parameters. You just have to assume that the previous project was not scheduled and apply the correct schedule settings while updating.The basic project parameters are not altered.

Adding API Users

Send a POST request to /create_api_user/

Example payload:

    data = {
     'username': 'superman',
     'password': 'S'

Allowed Roles: root

Fetching access token

Warning: Token based authentication might be broken currently.

It is possible for users to fetch access token by,

Sending a GET request to /get_token/

Allowed Roles: Any (But user should be authenticated)

Explicitly initiating a sync

Warning: This feature is broken right now

You can even request syncing up of a particular project apart from the scheduled syncing by providing the name of a project. The API endpoint for this is:


Note: For explicit syncing the project must already be added via the API previously.


API for scheduling projects for updates via rsync. This is a component of Google Summer of Code 2014 project with OSU Open Source Lab on FTP Mirror syncing architecture.






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