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This library contains all the essential functions for data cleaning.

It takes a list of data cleaning parameters and either a string or pandas dataframe as input


  1. Remove new lines
  2. Remove emails
  3. Remove URLs
  4. Remove hashtags (#hashtag)
  5. Remove the string if it contains only numbers
  6. Remove mentions (@user)
  7. Remove retweets (RT...)
  8. Remove text between the square brackets [ ]
  9. Remove multiple whitespaces and replace with one whitespace
  10. Replace characters with more than two occurrences and replace with one occurrence
  11. Remove emojis
  12. Count characters (only for dataframe; creates a new column)
  13. Count words (only for dataframe; creates a new column)
  14. Calculate average word length (only for dataframe; creates a new column)
  15. Count stopwords (only for dataframe; creates two new columns, stowords and stopword_count)
  16. Detect language (uses fasttext-langdetect) (only for dataframe; creates two new columns, lang and lang_prob)
  17. Detect language (uses fasttext-langdetect) (only for dataframe; creates just one column with langauge and probability; takes less time)
  18. Remove HTML tags

How to install?

pip install cleanmydata


  1. lst (list) - List of data cleaning operations
  2. data (string or dataframe) - Data to be passed
  3. column (string) - Dataframe column on which operation to perform; only for dataframe
  4. save (boolean) - If you want to save the results in a new file
  5. name (string) - Name of the new file if save is True


  1. Import the library
    from cleanmydata.functions import *
  2. Call the method clean_data, and pass the parameters as you wish.
  3. By default, if the dataframe is passed, it drops all NA values (dropna)


  1. To remove emails and hashtags
    mydata = "Hello folks. #hashtag"
    mydata = clean_data(lst=[2, 4], data=mydata)
  2. To count stopwords, remove mentions, and URLs, and save file from a dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv('data/my_csv.csv', encoding='ISO-8859-1', dtype='unicode')
    df = clean_data(lst=[15, 6, 2], data=df, column='comments', save=True, name='my custome file name')

Other notes

If using stopwords, make sure you have en_core_web_sm installed.
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

More options and enhancements coming soon...


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