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deferCSS Version 1.0.0 Babel Version dependencies Status

Defer CSS with callback

This is a package version of loadCSS by Filament Group for Manual Loading of CSS

Read more about loadCSS here


npm install --save git+



import loadCSS, { onloadCSS } from 'defercss';

const cssLoader = loadCSS(window); // Passing browser window object is mandatory else it will have side effects of the unknown kind
const dereferedStyleSheet = cssLoader("");

onloadCSS(dereferedStyleSheet, () => {
  console.log('CSS loaded!');

Options for loadCSS

the function has 3 optional arguments.

b- before: By default, loadCSS attempts to inject the stylesheet link after all CSS and JS in the page. However, if you desire a more specific location in your document, such as before a particular stylesheet link, you can use the before argument to specify a particular element to use as an insertion point. Your stylesheet will be inserted before the element you specify. For example, here's how that can be done by simply applying an id attribute to your script.

<script id="loadcss">
  // load a CSS file just before the script element containing this code
  loadCSS( "path/to/mystylesheet.css", document.getElementById("loadcss") );
  • media: You can optionally pass a string to the media argument to set the media="" of the stylesheet - the default value is all.
  • attributes: You can also optionally pass an Object of attribute name/attribute value pairs to set on the stylesheet. This can be used to specify Subresource Integrity attributes:
    "crossorigin": "anonymous",
    "integrity": "sha256-gvEnj2axkqIj4wbYhPjbWV7zttgpzBVEgHub9AAZQD4="

Browser Support

loadCSS attempts to load a css file asynchronously in any JavaScript-capable browser. However, some older browsers such as Internet Explorer 8 and older will block rendering while the stylesheet is loading. This merely means that the stylesheet will load as if you referenced it with an ordinary link element.

Contributions and bug fixes

Both are very much appreciated - especially bug fixes. As for contributions, the goals of this project are to keep things very simple and utilitarian, so if I don't accept a feature addition, it's not necessarily because it's a bad idea. It just may not meet the goals of the project. Thanks!

© 2019 @pranjalk Licensed MIT