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FortiSafe is a secure and efficient resource management platform. The system offers role and group based access control for resources. It features robust user registration and authentication, allowing seamless account deactivation and deletion while adhering to data retention policies. It guards against vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks.


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ℹ️ Problem Statement

Build a robust containerized task management system to handle user authentication, authorization and access management.

📍 Key Features

  • Secure user registration and authentication
  • Account Deactivation and Deletion: Allow users to deactivate or delete their accounts, if applicable. Implement a mechanism to handle account deletion securely while considering data retention policies.
  • Role-based and Group-based access management on resources(Tasks) with ability to create custom roles and groups (Need to make sure endpoints are secure)
  • Protection against vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks
  • Support for bulk upload using CSV(Both users and tasks) making sure all the relationships are preserved accurately

⚙️ Tech Stack

  • GoLang - Used for developing efficient and fast server-side applications due to its compiled nature and strong concurrency support.
  • AWS RDS (PostgreSQL Instance) - Utilized as a managed database service to provide scalable, reliable, and performant storage for the application.
  • Docker - Employed for containerizing the application, ensuring consistency across different environments and facilitating easy deployment and scaling.
  • Nginx - Used as a reverse proxy to efficiently handle client requests, load balance, and improve security by serving as a barrier between clients and the application server.

⚒️ Go Packages Used

  • uuid - Generates unique identifiers for entities.
  • jwt - Creates secure JSON Web Tokens for authentication.
  • bcrypt - Hashes and encrypts passwords securely.
  • gorm - Simplifies database interactions with an ORM in Go. It also protects from SQL Injection.
  • gofiber - Fast and efficient web framework for building APIs in Go.
  • godotenv - Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • postgres - Robust and scalable relational database management system.

🔧 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

👉🏻 Prerequisites

In order to get a copy of the project and run it locally, you'll need to have Go (v1.15 or later) and Docker installed on your machine.

If you don't have Go installed, you can download it from the official Go website. After installation, you can verify it by typing go version in your terminal. It should display the installed version of Go.

For Docker, you can download it from the official Docker website. After installation, you can verify it by typing docker --version in your terminal. It should display the installed version of Docker.

Make sure you also have a working Docker Compose. Docker Desktop installs Docker Compose by default on Mac and Windows, but you might need to add it separately in some Linux distributions. You can check its availability by typing docker-compose --version in your terminal.

👉🏻 Get Local Copy

  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
  1. Change the directory
cd FortiSafe

👉🏻 Create Environment Variables

  1. Change the name of .env.example to .env
  2. Add the following variables to .env file
DB_HOST = <your-db-host>
DB_NAME = <your-db-name>
DB_USER = <your-db-user>
DB_PASSWORD = <your-db-password>
DB_PORT= <your-db-port>
JWT_SECRET = <your-jwt-secret>
ADMIN_EMAIL = <your-admin-email>
ADMIN_PASSWORD = <your-admin-password>

👉🏻 Running the Project

1. Using Docker

In order to test our service we first need to build and run docker-compose. Docker-compose will automate the build and the run of our two Dockerfile. To run this commands you must be in the repository’s root.

  1. Build the Image
docker-compose build
  1. Start the service
docker-compose up -d

Now we have and built the image and service is started for both go and nginx (used for reverse-proxy). The Nginx reverse proxy will send all request from localhost/fortisafe/ to Golang service on port 3000.

Backend is accessible at http://localhost/fortisafe/

2. Without Docker

  1. Download the required packages
go mod download
  1. Run the main.go
go run main.go

Note - When running without Docker we don't have access to reverse proxy (nginx) service.

Backend is accessible at http://localhost:3000/

📂 Complete Project Folder Structure

├── .env
├── .env.example
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── controllers
│   ├── groupController.go
│   ├── permissionController.go
│   ├── resourceController.go
│   ├── roleController.go
│   └── userController.go
├── db
│    ├── db.go
│    └── migrate.go
├── middlewares
│   ├── authenticateAdmin.go
│   └── authenticateUser.go
├── models
│   ├── account_status_logs.go
│   ├── body.go
│   ├── group.go
│   ├── permission.go
│   ├── resource.go
│   ├── response.go
│   ├── role.go
│   ├── role_permission.go
│   └── user.go
├── nginx
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── nginx.conf
└── routes
    ├── groupRoutes.go
    ├── permissionRoutes.go
    ├── resourceRoutes.go
    ├── roleRoutes.go
    └── userRoutes.go

🔐 Pre Configured Permissions

Note - These are the basic permissions considered while creating this project.

  1. create: This permission allows a user to create new resources or data in the system.
  2. read: This permission gives a user the ability to read and retrieve existing resources or data.
  3. update: This permission grants a user the ability to modify or update existing resources or data.
  4. delete: This permission enables a user to remove existing resources or data from the system.

🔦 Basic Workflow


📖 API References

Run in Postman Postman API Docs


1. Create User

  POST /api/user/create


Parameter Type
name string
email string
password string
role_id string
group_id string

2. Login User

  POST /api/user/login


Parameter Type
email string
password string

3. Get User

  GET /api/user/get


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

4. Deactivate User

  PUT /api/user/deactivate


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

5. Activate User

  PUT /api/user/activate


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <your-auth-token>

6. Delete User

  DELETE /api/user/delete


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <your-auth-token>

7. Bulk Create User

  POST /api/user/create/bulk


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>

Form Data

Key Value
users .csv file

8. Login Admin

  POST /api/admin/login


Parameter Type
email string
password string


1. Create Permission

  POST /api/permission/create


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
name string
description string

2. Get All Permissions

  GET /api/permission/all


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


1. Create Role

  POST /api/role/create


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
name string
description string
permissions [<permission-id>, <permission-id>...]

2. Add Permission

  PUT /api/role/permission/add


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
role_id string
permissions [<permission-id>, <permission-id>...]

3. Get All Roles

  GET /api/role/get/all


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>

4. Remove Permission

  DELETE /api/role/permission/remove


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
role_id string
permission_id string

5. Assign Role

  PUT /api/role/assign


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
user_id string
role_id string

6. Unassign Role

  PUT /api/role/unassign?user_id=<user-id>


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>

Query Params

Parameter Type
user_id string


1. Create Resource

  POST /api/resource/create


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>


Parameter Type
name string
description string

2. Get Resource

  GET /api/resource/get/:resource_id


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

Path Variables

Parameter Type
resource_id string

3. Update Resource

  PUT /api/resource/update/:resource_id


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

Path Variables

Parameter Type
resource_id string

4. Delete Resource

  DELETE /api/resource/delete/:resource_id


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

Path Variables

Parameter Type
resource_id string

5. Add Associated Role

  PUT /api/resource/role/add


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
resource_id string
roles [<role-id>, <role-id>...]

6. Remove Associated Role

  DELETE /api/resource/role/remove


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
resource_id string
role_id string

7. Bulk Create Resource

  POST /api/user/create/bulk


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <user-auth-token>

Form Data

Key Value
resources .csv file

8. Add Associated Group

  PUT /api/resource/group/add


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
resource_id string
groups [<group-id>, <group-id>...]

9. Remove Associated Group

  DELETE /api/resource/group/remove


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
resource_id string
group_id string


1. Create Group

  POST /api/group/create


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
name string
description string
permissions [<permission-id>, <permission-id>...]

2. Add Permission

  PUT /api/group/permission/add


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
group_id string
permissions [<permission-id>, <permission-id>...]

3. Remove Permission

  DELETE /api/group/permission/remove


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
group_id string
permission_id string

4. Assign Group

  PUT /api/group/assign


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>


Parameter Type
user_id string
group_id string

5. Unassign Group

  PUT /api/group/unassign?user_id=<user-id>


Key Value
Authorization Bearer <admin-auth-token>

Query Params

Parameter Type
user_id string

📷 Screenshots

  1. Building Docker Image Building Image

  2. Running Docker Image Running Docker Image

  3. Accessing host using reverse proxy Accessing host using reverse proxy


FortiSafe is a secure and efficient resource management platform. The system offers role and group based access control for resources. It features robust user registration and authentication, allowing seamless account deactivation and deletion while adhering to data retention policies. It guards against vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks.








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