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Julia support for the =lsp-mode= package using the LanguageServer.jl package. For information on the features lsp-mode provides see their git repository.

Julia version 1.3 or higher has to be in your path

This package is still under development.


Installing the Julia Language Server

Included Language Server

`lsp-julia` includes a[working] Language Server using Git submodules by default. To initialize it, execute the following Git command in the directory of this repository:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Manual Installation

Otherwise, if you’d rather install the Language Server yourself, open a Julia REPL and install LanguageServer.jl.

julia> Pkg.add("LanguageServer")

The included server is used by default. To use the manually installed one, you need to also add the following to your init.el:

(setq lsp-julia-package-dir nil)
;; (require 'lsp-julia) must come after this!

Additionally because JIT compilation of LanguageServer.jl can cause a long delay which may cause issues with lsp-mode, I recommend using PackageCompiler.jl to AOT compile LanguageServer.jl into your julia image. Something like:

julia> Pkg.add("PackageCompiler")
julia> using PackageCompiler
julia> compile_package("LanguageServer")

See the documentation on PackageCompiler.jl for further usage details.

Installing lsp-julia

It’s currently easiest to install this package with quelpa. I’ll see about getting this added to melpa soon enough.

(quelpa '(lsp-julia :fetcher github
                    :repo "non-Jedi/lsp-julia"
                    :files (:defaults "languageserver")))

Using lsp-julia with a julia major mode

After installing the major mode of your choice for editing Julia files (julia-mode, ess, etc.), add =’lsp-mode= to the hook for that major mode. For example, to use lsp-julia with ess, add the following to your .emacs file:

(add-hook 'ess-julia-mode-hook #'lsp-mode)

Please don’t hesitate to open an issue in case of problems or create a PR.


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