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Architecture2018 - VIPER Architecture on Android: My POV


A Clean Architecture for iOS Application Development. There are android architecture like MVP & MVVM but they make the presenter heavy with a lot of code.

What does a VIPER architecture promotes ?

Separation of Business Logic from the presenter making it easy to port to any application such as even to a console application. 

My Approach for using this Architecture :-

Idea : App has two screens, login authentication using Firebase Authentication and listing of items from Firebase DB.

Outline of layers inner modules

Firebase DB Structure :

  "architectures" : {
    "mvp" : {
      "message" : "Model View Presenter",
      "title" : "MVP"
    "mvp_clean" : {
      "message" : "Model View Presenter Clean Architecture",
      "title" : "MVP CLEAN"
    "mvvm" : {
      "message" : "Model View ViewModel",
      "title" : "MVVM"
    "viper" : {
      "message" : "VIPER",
      "title" : "VIPER"

Firebase Auth is Email Authentication

Note : This project isn’t complete, it is there to represent a approach of using Viper on Android.