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🚀 Basics Git Commands

git init

Initialize an existing directory as a Git Repository.

git status

Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit.

git add [file]

Add a file as it looks now to your next commit (stage).

git add .

This will stage all the files.

git add -A

When -A is used , all files in the entire working tree are updated ( old version of Git used to limit the update to the current directory and its subdirectories ).

git commit -m “message”

Commit your staged content as a new commit snapshot.

git restore - - staged [filename]

Restore working tree files. By specifying - -staged will only restore the index. ( Used to discard changes in working directory ).

rm -rf [filename]

Remove a file.

git log

Show all commits in the current branch’s history.

git reset [commit_hashcode]

Reset current HEAD to the specified state.

git stash

Save modified and staged changes.

git stash list

List stack-order of stashed file changes.

git stash pop

Remove a single stashed state from the stash list and apply it to the top of the current working tree state.

git stash clear

Remove all the stash entries. Note that those entries will then be subject to pruning and may be impossible to recover.

git branch -M main

With -m or -M option, will be renamed to . If exists, -M must be used to force the rename to happen.

git remote add origin [url]

(git remote → Manage set of tracked repositories.) Update all the branches set to track remote ones, but not merge any changes in.

git remote -v

Show remote urls after name.

git push -u origin main

Transmit local branch commits to the remote repository branch.

git branch

List your branches. * a will appear next to the currently active branch.

git branch [branch_name]

Create a new branch at the current commit.

git checkout [branch_name]

Switch to another branch and check it out into your working directory.

git fetch - - all - - prune

Best utility for cleaning outdated branches. It will connect to a shared remote repository remote and fetch allremote branch refs.

git reset - - hard [upstream/main]

Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since  are discarded. Any untracked files or directories in the way of writing any tracked files are simply deleted.

git pull [upstream main]

Fetch and merge any commits from the tracking remote branch.

git clone [url]

Retrieve an entire repository from a hosted location via URL.

git rebase -i [hash_code]

Used to combine different commits into one single commit.

Merge Conflict:-

It occurs when two people made change in the same line, now git will get confused, which commit should it push or not.


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