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Kodelearn - OpenSource Learning Management System.


Authors: Team Kodeplay

What is Kodelearn ?

Kodelearn is a web based learning management system that can be used by educational institutions such as schools, universities to manage students, teachers, course content, lectures, exams, results, attendance etc and to engage students, their parents and teachers through an easy to use interface.

What platform is Kodelearn based on ?

Kodelearn is written in PHP using the Kohana PHP Framework (v3.1)

Installation instructions

Downloading Source Code

  • Download the stable source code from Kodelearn website

  • Or clone from github

    $ git clone

    You will also need to update the submodules by running the command

    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update

Application Config

Open the file application/bootstrap.php and find Kohana::init,

Change the value of base_url to the one you would be using.

Database && Database Config

Create a new Mysql database and import the database schema and dump provided in the database.sql file.

Copy the contents of the file application/config/sample-database.php to a new file database.php in the same directory and modify the 'default' configuration in it to add your database details.

Writable Files and Directories

Give write permissions to following directories

  • application/cache/
  • application/logs/
  • media/image/data/cache/

It's done!!

Open the project url in the browser.

Following admin account is already there for you to get started quickly -

email: password: kodelearn

After loggin in, change the email and password as per your convenience.

Kodelearn uses the Kohana PHP Framework, version 3.1 (release)

This is the current release version of Kohana.


Online Learning Management System based on Kohana Framework







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