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This repository contains a Microservices example with Okta & Spring Security, Feign Client, Cloud api gatway, Configuration server, Eureka server & a consolidated swagger docs services.

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What is this?

The repository contains a complete Microservices example with 3 main services USER-SERVICE, HOTEL-SERVICE and RATING-SERVICE. In it we have used OKTA AUTH, Spring Security, Resilence4j, Feign Client, Spring Cloud api gatway, Configuration server,Eureka server, OenApi3 Specifications for individual services documents and a consolidated swagger docs server which provides the consilidated view of all swagger docs. This Microservices examples uses Postgres , SQL & Mongo databases running inside docker containers for which we are also providing a docker compose file.

Salient features

Apart from about cloud capabilities we have also shown the improved resilence, Feign Client, Circuit Breaker pattern, fallback, BlukHead , Ratelimiters & Retry mechanism along with microservices architecture.

What are the component services & salient features

We are are using following services to deliver this Demo


Written in spring boot it is using Postgres as backend. It is enabled with Eureka client, Configuration server, Openapi3 swagger URL & it is also seeding consolidated documents to Common dcument server. It is being used by Rating-SERVER & USER-SERVICE. Its end poiunts are /hotels & /hotels/{hotelId}


Written in spring boot it is using MongoDB as backend. It is enabled with Eureka client, Configuration server, Openapi3 swagger URL & it is also seeding consolidated documents to Common dcument server. It is being used by USER-SERVICE. Its end poiunts are /ratings & /ratings/{ratingId}


Written in spring boot it is using POSTGRESS as backend. It is enabled with Eureka client, Configuration server, Openapi3 swagger URL & it is also seeding consolidated documents to Common dcument server. Apart from about cloud capabilities we have also shown the improved resilence, Circuit Breaker pattern & Ratelimiters along with microservices architecture. Its end poiunts are /users & /users/{userId}. We have shown the demo of resilnece patterns and Feign client with this service.


It is using Spring-Cloud-Gateway, enabled with Eureka client & Configuration server. This services could be tested by appending end points of each of HOTEL-SERVICE, RATING-SERVICE and USER-SERVICE.


It is implemented with Eureka Service Registry with Spring Cloud. We are using Eureka client for Service discovery as well.


It is implemented with Spring Cloud Configuration server. The configuration is served from our another GithUb repository.


It is implemented with Spring Fox lib of Spring Boot which consolidate the individual swagger docs of each of Microservice & present them on a single swagger dcument. Please select the spec for any service from the dropdown provided for the same.


This service will start 2 Postgres conatiners, One mongo DB along with PGafmin & Mongo-express configuration to test it fully.


This repository contains a Microservices example with Okta & Spring Security, Feign Client, Cloud api gatway, Configuration server, Eureka server & a consolidated swagger docs services.







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