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How to Install SwarmDB

Install Docker CE (Community Edition)




System Prerequisites

OS Prerequisite
CentOS 7.x (64-bit)
RedHat RHEL 7.x (64-bit)
Debian Stretch, Jessie 8.0, Wheezy 7.7 (64-bit)
Fedora Fedora 25, Fedora 24 (64-bit)
Ubuntu Zesty 17.04 (LTS),Yakkety 16.10, Xenial 16.04 (LTS),Trusty 14.04 (LTS)
OSX Yosemite 10.11 or above
MS Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)

Getting SwarmDB Docker

Before downloading the docker image, please install Python27 or higher on your system:

Once installed, verify the python version:

  $ python -V
  Python 2.7.10

Download the docker image:

  $ sudo docker pull wolkinc/swarmdb

Deploy the docker container:

Note: This command also automatically starts the server

  $ sudo docker run --name=swarmdb --rm -it -p 2001:2001 -p 8501:8501 wolkinc/swarmdb

Port Mapping:

Ports Descriptions
2001:2001 <http_system_port>:<http_container_port>
8501:8501 <swarmDB_system_port>:<swarmDB_container_port>

Detach/re-attach Docker container

In order to exit the Docker Container shell without killing the container, hit the following keys:

  $ ctrl + p + q

In order to re-attach to the swarmDB container

  $ docker attach $(docker ps | grep swarmdb | awk '{print$1}')

To exit the container, type the following and press ENTER while you're in the container shell

  $ exit 13

To clean the images (make sure you've exited the container using the above command. If not, the following command will throw error and will NOT be able to delete the images)

  $ docker rmi `docker images | grep swarmdb | awk '{print$3}'`

Verify SwarmDB

Once the Docker IMAGE is deployed following above instructions, it will start the swarmDB process/service in the Docker container. To verify if swarmDB is running:

$ ps aux | grep wolkdb | grep -vE 'wolkdb-start|grep'

SwarmDB Configurations

To start swarmDB with the default config, run this on the command line:

  $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb 

(Please note: Docker will automatically start the swarmdb/wolkdb. So no need to run the above command unless you stopped it for development purpose.)

To start swarmDB IN THE BACKGROUND with the default config, run this on the command line:

  $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb &

To start swarmDB with a modified config file located in a different location:

  $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb -config /path/to/swarmDB/config/file

To start swarmDB IN THE BACKGROUND with a modified config file located in a different location:

  $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb -config /path/to/swarmDB/config/file &

To see the wolkdb options:

  $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb -h

  Usage of /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb:
  -config string
	  Full path location to SWARMDB configuration file. (default "/usr/local/swarmdb/etc/swarmdb.conf")
  -loglevel int
	  Log Level Verbosity 1-6 (4 for debug) (default 3)
  -v	Prints current SWARMDB version

The default swarmDB configuration file

Default Location: /usr/local/swarmdb/etc/swarmdb.conf

      "address": "a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d0e1f2a3b4c5d6e7f8a9b0", //For Example: "db4db066584dea75f4838c08ddfadc195225dd80"
      "authentication": 1,
      "chunkDBPath": "/usr/local/swarmdb/data",
      "currency": "WLK",
      "listenAddrHTTP": "",
      "listenAddrTCP": "",
      "portHTTP": 8501,
      "portTCP": 2001
      "privateKey": "a1b2c3....d4e5f", //For Example: "98b5321e784dde6357896fd20f13ac6731e9b1ea0058c8529d55dde276e45624"
      "targetCostBandwidth": 3.14159,
      "targetCostStorage": 2.71828,
      "users": [
              "address": "a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d0e1f2a3b4c5d6e7f8a9b0", //For Example: "db4db066584dea75f4838c08ddfadc195225dd80"
              "autoRenew": 1,
              "maxReplication": 5,
              "minReplication": 3,
              "passphrase": "wolk"
      "usersKeysPath": "/usr/local/swarmdb/data/keystore"

swarmDB logging

    $ tail -f /usr/local/swarmdb/log/wolkdb.log

Modifying the SwarmDB configuration:

You can add new items in the users array and make sure to restart swarmDB after modifying the configuration file.

To restart:
1. Kill the process named wolkdb
   $ sudo kill -9 $(ps aux | grep wolkdb | grep -v grep | awk '{print$2}')
2. Start wolkdb:
    $ /usr/local/swarmdb/bin/wolkdb &


See our Wiki & DOCS for Node.js, Go, Http, and Command Line Interface,


Wolk SWARMDB - Decentralized Database Services for Web3






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