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PraxisLIVE v5.4.0

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@neilcsmith-net neilcsmith-net released this 28 Jan 17:03
· 37 commits to master since this release

PraxisLIVE v5.4.0 adds support for recodeable containers. This is the first visible part of much broader underlying changes.

The IDE is updated to be based on Apache NetBeans 12.6, with support for JDK 17. OpenJDK 17 from Adoptium is now included in all OS specific bundles (except the Arm AppImage which includes BellSoft Liberica.

Windows and Linux packages are now built using NBPackage, a DEB package is again provided, and the Windows installer is signed by Codelerity.

Recodeable containers

A core:container can now be recoded. Additional controls and ports may be added. The children() method returns a list of all child IDs. It's possible to send messages to a range of child components from a control or port. eg.

@In(1) void in(String value) {
    children().forEach(c -> tell(self().resolve(c).control("value"), value));

Further capabilities for coding containers and roots are under development.