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Example project for Amiga visual studio code vbcc project

Example of vscode workspace for Amiga Assembly and C integration building.

!!Work in progress !!

Getting started

Download the workspace

Setup VSCode

  • Launch VSCode
  • Install the Amiga Assembly Extension extension
  • Install Microsoft C/C++ extension (optional)
  • Open the workspace File/Open Workspace... -> Select the vbcc(.code-workspace)

Build the code

  • Type (⇧⌘B) or enter the Command Palette (⇧⌘P or F1) and select Tasks: Run Build Task)

Run the application

  • Click on the debug icon (⇧⌘D)
  • In the upper combo select Run
  • Click on the Play button or type F5

Debug the application

  • Click on the debug icon (⇧⌘D)
  • In the upper combo select Debug
  • Open a C or ASM file and set a breakpoint
  • Click on the Play button or type F5

Adapting to your application

Change the name of the application

  • Change the name hello of the executable in vbcc.code-workspace
  • Change the name hello in the Makefile

Add/remove/rename a file to the build

  • Each modification of a source file add/rename/remove must reported in the Makefile

Binaries used to build the code

Misc docs