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ELV FS20 device drivers for thing-it-node

ATTENTION: This is unfinished work !!!

FS20 address mapping

According to the mauals of ELV, direct entering of FS20 addresses is done using only numbers 1 to 4 which results in a numeral system with 4 symbold (base 4). Normally such a system would use numbers 0..3 but ELV decided to use 1..4 instead.

The culfw will report received addresses in hexadecimal values, but programming with the remote control requires entering the base4 addresses.

1x quad 2x quad 3x quad 4x quad
11 = 0x0 12 = 0x1 13 = 0x2 14 = 0x3
21 = 0x4 22 = 0x5 23 = 0x6 24 = 0x7
31 = 0x8 32 = 0x9 33 = 0xA 34 = 0xB
41 = 0xC 42 = 0xD 43 = 0xE 44 = 0xF


hex ELV
F51D 4422 1242
B0 3411
00 1111
11 1212

examples from the source code of module 'cul'

cul.cmd('FS20', '2341 2131', '1112', 'on'); // house code in ELV-Notation, address in ELV-Notation, command as text
cul.cmd('FS20', '6C48', '01', '11');        // house code as hex string, address as hex string, command as hex string


thing-it device support for ELV FS20 devices






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