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Chuyang Chen edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the NameSayerPro wiki!


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    - Implemented search function and microphone volume testing GUI
    - Fixed bug where the letter's case mattered when searching
    - Fixed bug where when searching ".mp4" all creations will come up in the search
    - Added microphone volume testing function


    - Updated microphone testing GUI to be more user friendly


    - Created the name pracitising UI without functionality


    - Added functionality for the user to add names to the list which they wish to practice
    - Created error screens for files not being found or names already being added to the list of names to be practiced
    - Moved the project to using Maven
    - Fixed bug where adding names with spaces to the list could be done using an incomplete name


    - Added feature that allows enter key to be used when typing a name     - Created a new encapsulation class for creations, to differentiate them from names     - Fixed an issue where non-.wav files could be added


    - Updated Names class to better represent the files which it is supposed to represent
    - Added the practice view GUI
    - Fixed issues with crashing when starting the practice view GUI


    - Added functionality which allows loading of different versions on the practice GUI
    - Removed the Creations class as it is not needed for now
    - Added feature for the user to see their previous recordings
    - Fixed a few UI crashing and stack pane issues
    - Added functionality for the user to click on the Names they wish to practise to add them to the practice list.
    - Added functionality for the user to scroll through names they wish to practice on the practice screen
    - Added functionality which the user would be able to play a demonstration of the name they wish to practice
    - Fixed issue where the app would crash when trying to demo some names


    - Added rating system functionality
    - Fixed crashing relating to the version selection box
    - Added functionality for the user to record their own wav files
    - Adding a name to the list of names to be practice now disables the button to add that specific name again
    - Added functionality where the user can play a previous recording made by themself by clicking on the recording they wish to play
    - Solved an issue with dependencies where the project would not compile


    - Changed rating system to consist of stars
    - Changed colour of scrollbar
    - Added remove all functionality on the names list menu
    - Added compare function in the recording screen to allow the user to compare their recording to the one in the database
    - Fixed a bug where the scroller will not work unless clicked on by the user


    - Changed code to be GUI thread safe
    - Fixed bug where multiple recordings could be played at the same time


    - Added the AudioConcat class which allows for concatenation of names


    - Added functionality to the AudioConcat class which allows for the input of text files of names to be concatenated


    - Changed AudioConcat to output more appropriately names audio files
    - Added a login screen


    - Changed AudioConcat to output more appropriately names audio files
    - Added a login screen
    - Added functionality for the GUI to allow for concatenating names


    - Added Auto-fill for the names search bar.
    - Fixed an underscore showing when PlayViewController is opened in the name label
    - Fixed an issue where different versions of a name would not show up on the playViewController
    - Fixed an issue where multiple autocomplete suggestions of the exact same string would show up on the searchbar in SeachNamesViewController


    - Added Auto-fill for the names search bar.


    - Added Travis-CI integration


    - Added a new profile registration screen
    - Refactored the Controller code to extend the Controller abstract class


    - Changed default audio concatenation file use to be the newest version of the file     - Implemented the backend of new user registration


    - Program will now hash the user's password
    - Fixed an issue where a name would be added multiple times if it had multiple versions
    - Added hashing for passwords to make program more secure


    - Implemented a logout feature
    - Implemented the user profile


    - Program now takes hyphenated names as input
    - Fixed an issue where choosing to play the names in order did not actually play the names in order


    - Added volume bar which may or may not work


    - Changed profile statstics file structure
    - Changed look of the application


    - Add badges for achievements
    - Removed volume bar because it did not work