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swapoff #50

Workflow file for this run

# GitHub Actions Workflow created for testing and preparing the plugin release in following steps:
# - validate Gradle Wrapper,
# - run 'test' and 'verifyPlugin' tasks,
# - run Qodana inspections,
# - run 'buildPlugin' task and prepare artifact for the further tests,
# - run 'runPluginVerifier' task,
# - create a draft release.
# Workflow is triggered on push and pull_request events.
# GitHub Actions reference:
name: Build
# Trigger the workflow on pushes to only the 'master' branch (this avoids duplicate checks being run e.g. for dependabot pull requests)
branches: [debug_space_issues]
# Trigger the workflow on any pull request
# Run Gradle Wrapper Validation Action to verify the wrapper's checksum
# Run verifyPlugin, IntelliJ Plugin Verifier, and test Gradle tasks
# Build plugin and provide the artifact for the next workflow jobs
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
version: ${{ }}
changelog: ${{ }}
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Check out current repository
- name: Fetch Sources
uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Validate wrapper
- name: Gradle Wrapper Validation
uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1.0.4
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Setup Java 11 environment for the next steps
- name: Setup Java
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
distribution: zulu
java-version: 11
cache: gradle
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Set environment variables
- name: Export Properties
id: properties
shell: bash
run: |
PROPERTIES="$(./gradlew properties --console=plain -q)"
VERSION="$(echo "$PROPERTIES" | grep "^version:" | cut -f2- -d ' ')"
NAME="$(echo "$PROPERTIES" | grep "^pluginName:" | cut -f2- -d ' ')"
CHANGELOG="$(./gradlew getChangelog --unreleased --no-header --console=plain -q)"
echo "::set-output name=version::$VERSION"
echo "::set-output name=name::$NAME"
echo "::set-output name=changelog::$CHANGELOG"
echo "::set-output name=pluginVerifierHomeDir::~/.pluginVerifier"
./gradlew listProductsReleases # prepare list of IDEs for Plugin Verifier
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Run tests
- name: Run Tests
run: ./gradlew test
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
- name: swapoff
run: |
sudo swapoff /swapfile
sudo rm -rf /swapfile /usr/share/dotnet /usr/local/lib/android /opt/ghc
- name: disk space check if failure
if: ${{ always() }}
run: df -h
# Collect Tests Result of failed tests
- name: Collect Tests Result
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: tests-result
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/build/reports/tests
- name: list all files
run: find -type f
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# # Cache Plugin Verifier IDEs
# - name: Setup Plugin Verifier IDEs Cache
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# with:
# path: ${{ }}/ides
# key: plugin-verifier-${{ hashFiles('build/listProductsReleases.txt') }}
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Run Verify Plugin task and IntelliJ Plugin Verifier tool
- name: Run Plugin Verification tasks
run: ./gradlew --info runPluginVerifier -Pplugin.verifier.home.dir=${{ }}
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Collect Plugin Verifier Result
- name: Collect Plugin Verifier Result
if: ${{ always() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pluginVerifier-result
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/build/reports/pluginVerifier
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Run Qodana inspections
- name: Qodana - Code Inspection
uses: JetBrains/qodana-action@v4.2.3
- name: disk space check
run: df -h
# Prepare plugin archive content for creating artifact
- name: Prepare Plugin Artifact
id: artifact
shell: bash
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build/distributions
FILENAME=`ls *.zip`
unzip "$FILENAME" -d content
echo "::set-output name=filename::${FILENAME:0:-4}"
- name: disk space check
run: df -h