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To load and compile the code the script $ . Paramesh.scr

To execute: create a run directory, say, "RUNS/C01"

Copy files from directory, Campfire:

campfire]$ cp IM_AlNi3D-SRC/CASE.inp IM_AlNi3D-SRC/amr_runtime_parameters ../RUNS/C01/.

We need mpi ...

C01]$ module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64

and an intel compiler

C01]$ module load intel-compiler

Then to run a 10 core job:

C01]$ mpirun -n 10 ./

or to send output to out.txt

C01]$ mpirun -n 10 ./ > out.txt&

This will create files: out.txt,tip_loc.txt, paramesh_chk_000001, CHK.out and


where XXX is in the range 001 to 999 (max for paraview .vtk files), and YYY is from 000 to 009 (for the 10 cores)

the "06" in this case relates to the mesh size determined from the parameter g_max_lvl=6 in CASE.inp. g_max_lvl=7 being finer.

The result seen in the .vtk files for the given CASE.inp and amr_runtime_parameters input files is (eventually) a cubic "hopper" crystal

The CHK.out file contains a single number, e.g. 97000. This number can be use to restart a run from time step 97000 by first copying:

cp paramesh_chk_000001 paramesh_chk_097000

and then running...

C01]$ mpirun -n 10 ./ 2 > out.txt2&

Note the "2" in the command line indicating a restart from the value held in the CHK.out file.

The reason for this (copying of the restart file paramesh_chk_000001) procedure is to avoid build up of many restart file taking up hard disk space.

The alternative is to modify (e.g. using emacs) the code in:

campfire]$ emacs IM_AlNi-SRC/mp_output.f90

so that all restart files are retained (every 1000 steps in this case)

Note that the other generated .intel files have not been checked yet for correct operating, and will likely dissappoint.


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