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Project_Description The Project is built based on nnUNet: The first step is to follow the instructions of the nnUnet to do the Data_Conversion, Experiment Planning and Preprocessing. For this step, you need to store the data in given format in specific folders. The link for the paper is SPIE Paper.


  1. Install Anaconda with python3.8
  2. Install git
  3. Open a terminal and follow the commands
    • Clone this repository
      • git clone
    • Create conda env
      cd window-transformer-prostate-segmentation
      conda deactivate
      conda create --name window-transformer-prostate-segmentation python=3.8
      conda activate window-transformer-prostate-segmentation
      conda develop .  # check for conda.pth file in $ANACONDA_HOME/envs/window-transformer-prostate-segmentation/lib/python3.8/site-packages
    • Install packages
      • Pytorch conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
      • Other packages
        pip install scipy seaborn tqdm SimpleITK itk einops timm

Train and Inference

In order to train our own model, we wrote a Trainer that inherits the nnUnetTrainer and saved the models in models folder. Different to the original nnUnet_train command, we have to specify the data_splits filename so as to use our splits.(We rewrote the as our to run the training or validation). For example: we use the following command to train the model 3d_nnFormer_LNOff(without Layer Normalization and only train from the second 9 patients from Aahuus Dataset); keep the folder index 0 so that the Trainer use the first folder from splits_file as we modified. Add self-supervised to denote that the task is impainting task which was not supported by the original nnUnet. Also, add load_self_supervised to denote that the weights are loaded form a self-supervised model.

Data Conversion

Please follow the instruction on [nnUNet]( You ought to have three folders:nnUNet_raw_data_base, nnUNet_preprocessed, RESULTS_FOLDER in which the raw data, preproccessed data and Models are saved.

  1. Put the data in nnUNet_raw_data_base folder
  2. Run the following command to generate plans
    • nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t XXX --verify_dataset_integrity


  1. 502 denotes the HMC dataset(A).
  2. 503 denotes the HMC+LUMC dataset(A+B).
  3. 504 denotes the LUMC dataset (B)
  4. splits_full, splits_h1, splits_h2 denote using the full, first half and second half of HMC dataset as training set and the other half as validation. We always use the folder 0 because we mannually create the splits(indicated by the original nnunet).


The experiment1 contains two model: 3d_nnFormer and 3d_nnConv. Model with prefix MAE denotes using self-supervised task to pretrain the model.

main 3d_nnFormer TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnConv TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer TransformerUNetTrainer 503 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnConv TransformerUNetTrainer 503 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_full.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool_MAE TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_Pretrain.pkl 0 --self_supervised
main 3d_nnConv TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_full.pkl 0

Also load the pretrained weights from pretrained models:Supervised and Self-Supervised

 main 3d_nnFormer TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 -pretrained_weights Former_Pretrain_LUMC.model
 main 3d_nnConv TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 -pretrained_weights Conv_Pretrain_LUMC.model
 main 3d_nnConv TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 --load_self_supervised -pretrained_weights Conv_Pretrain_MAE.model 
 main 3d_nnFormer TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 --load_self_supervised -pretrained_weights Former_Pretrain_MAE.model 


The experiment2 contains two model: 3d_nnFormer and 3d_nnFormer_pool. The format is the same as the experiment1 with the model name as the only difference.

main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 503 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool_MAE TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h1.pkl 0 -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_LUMC.model
main 3d_nnFormer_pool TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 --load_self_supervised -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_MAE.model 


The experiment1 contains three model: 3d_nnFormer, 3d_nnFormer_absolute, and 3d_nnFormer_noPos. Note that 3d_nnFormer uses the relative positional bias.

main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 503 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute_MAE TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 503 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos_MAE TransformerUNetTrainer 504 splits_pretrain.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h1.pkl 0 -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_LUMC.model
main 3d_nnFormer_absolute TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 --load_self_supervised -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_MAE.model 
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h2.pkl 0
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_h1.pkl 0 -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_LUMC.model
main 3d_nnFormer_noPos TransformerUNetTrainer 502 splits_full.pkl 0 --load_self_supervised -pretrained_weights Former_pool_Pretrain_MAE.model 


In order to Inference from our model, we modified the and made it work for our Trainer. For example, we use the below command to conduct the inference from the 3d_nnFormer_LNOff model. Using nnUNet_predict if you follow the nnUnet instruction to set the environment paths or you can always use predict_simple from nnunet/inference. The Format is the same for all three experiements.

nnUNet_predict -i DataPath  -o TargetPath -t Task -tr TransformerUNetTrainer -f 0 -m Model
nnUNet_predict -i DataPath  -o TargetPath -t 502 -tr TransformerUNetTrainer -f 0 -m 3d_nnFormer

Network Architecture for replacing Transformer blocks with convolutions


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