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PikalaxALT edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 1 revision

Page with random snippets of code not part of the repo.

Manually control the camera in the title screen

In title_screen.c, replace the body of TitleScreenAnim_GetCameraNextPosition with the following:

static void TitleScreenAnim_GetCameraNextPosition(TitleScreenAnimData *animData) {
    // Use this to give the player control over the camera
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_KEY_RIGHT) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.x += CAMERA_SPEED;
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_KEY_LEFT) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.x -= CAMERA_SPEED;
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_KEY_UP) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.z += CAMERA_SPEED;
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_KEY_DOWN) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.z -= CAMERA_SPEED;
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_BUTTON_X) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.y += CAMERA_SPEED;
    if (gSystem.heldKeys & PAD_BUTTON_Y) {
        animData->cameraPosEnd.y -= CAMERA_SPEED;
    Camera_SetLookAtCamPos(&animData->cameraPosEnd, animData->;

Then, load up the game as far as the title screen. Use the dpad and X/Y buttons to move the camera around the flying Ho-Oh or Lugia.

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