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Release Checklist

Jed Fox edited this page Jan 13, 2018 · 22 revisions
  1. Complete all milestone items
  2. Run on other projects to check for regressions
  3. Write release notes (Add a Markdown file named in website/blog)
  4. Merge release notes
  5. Close milestone
  6. Checkout master
  7. Bump version in package.json
  8. Update
  9. Run yarn test_integration -u to update snapshots (new parsers, getSupportInfo)
  10. Commit
  11. Run yarn build
  12. Run yarn test:dist
  13. cd dist
  14. npm publish
  15. npm install prettier@latest, do smoke tests on CLI and API
  16. Push release commit
  17. Create a GitHub release to tag master
  18. Wait for release notes to deploy
  19. Check blog post
  20. Tweet from @PrettierCode account via TweetDeck
  21. Create a new branch
  22. Bump own prettier dependency (this will update the playground)
  23. yarn; yarn lint --fix; yarn lint-docs --fix
  24. Commit, PR, Merge

Then monitor Twitter/GitHub for any immediate issues 😄

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