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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Something isn't working
design request
design request
Request for modification of the design produced by the extension
An improvement that has to do with the development of the extension and the underlying structures.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This has already been reported
feature request
feature request
new enhancement or feature
fixed in: 3.5.0
fixed in: 3.5.0
This error was fixed in version 3.5.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.6.0
fixed in: 3.6.0
This error was fixed in version 3.6.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.6.1
fixed in: 3.6.1
This error was fixed in version 3.6.1. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.7.0
fixed in: 3.7.0
This error was fixed in version 3.7.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.7.1
fixed in: 3.7.1
This error was fixed in version 3.7.1. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.7.2
fixed in: 3.7.2
This error was fixed in version 3.7.2. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.8.0
fixed in: 3.8.0
This error was fixed in version 3.8.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.8.1
fixed in: 3.8.1
This error was fixed in version 3.8.1. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.8.2
fixed in: 3.8.2
This error was fixed in version 3.8.2. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.9.0
fixed in: 3.9.0
This error was fixed in version 3.9.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.9.1
fixed in: 3.9.1
This error was fixed in version 3.9.1. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
fixed in: 3.10.0
fixed in: 3.10.0
This error was fixed in version 3.10.0. If the error still occurs, please check if you are using it.
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
Something that is not directly related to the extension itself, but to the repo management.
Further information is requested
styling missing
styling missing
Styling of an element is missing
to be fixed in next update
to be fixed in next update
will be fixed in next update