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Pranav Nutalapati edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 4 revisions
  1. Head over to the Releases page and grab the latest ZIP archive.

  2. Extract it anywhere you'll remember (I recommend something like C:\Users\preyneyv\League VCS).

  3. Launch League VCS.exe and complete the configuration.

    Initial config screenshot

    • Where is your game installation?
      This path is where the application will occasionally check for game updates. The path is normally C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Game\League of Legends.exe, unless you changed that when you installed League.

    • Where do you want to keep old game versions?
      We need a folder where all game files (old and new) will be stored. Make sure this is on a large drive, since it fills up pretty quickly.

  4. (Optional) Associate League VCS with your *.rofl files.

    1. Use the Open With command.
    2. In File Explorer, right-click on a file whose default program you want to change. Select Open With > Choose Another App.
    3. Check the box that says “Always use this app to open .[file extension] files.” If the program you want to use is displayed, select it and click OK.
    4. If the program isn’t listed, scroll down and click on More Apps. If it still isn’t listed, scroll down and click on “Look for another app on this PC”.
    5. That will open a dialog box that will let you drill down to find the .exe file for the application you want to make the default.


That's all our setup completed!

Head over to Usage to see all the things you can do.

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