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The PureScript Frontend & Haskell Backend That Powers the Blog


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This repo contains the Haskell backend API server & Purescript client used to serve

We've just completed the migrating the production site from our old Python/Django/Mezzanine codebase. This project is still in active development but the website has basic expected functionality. To view the old Python / Django / Mezzanine site, see the 0.1.0-mezzanine-last tag.


Create database:

createuser -DRS sleepanarchy-blog
createdb sleepanarchy-blog -O sleepanarchy-blog

Install sql-migrate & migrate the database:

export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"
GOBIN="${HOME}/.local/bin" go install -v
cd sleepanarchy-api && sql-migrate up

Run the API server:

cd sleepanarchy-api
stack run sleepanarchy-api

In another terminal, start the client & API proxy server:

cd sleepanarchy-website
nvm use
npm i
npm run watch

The website should now be browseable at https://localhost:8080/. If you want to hit the API, you can make requests to https://localhost:8080/api/.

The API serves it's own documentation as markdown. You can build & view it like so:

echo '<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />' > docs.html
curl localhost:9001/docs | markdown_py -x codehilite -x extra >> docs.html
python -m http.server 8000 &
firefox http://localhost:8000/docs.html

The API server has handler tests you can run:

cd sleepanarchy-api
createdb sleepanarchy-blog-test -O sleepanarchy-blog
stack test --fast


Initial Deployment

We provisioned a $6/mo droplet on DigitalOcean for the webapp. The hostname is set to the PTR record DO will create) and we pointed the domain to it's IP. We created a user, installed docker & docker-compose, enabled the docker service, & locked down the droplet.

Locally, we have a Host blog ... entry in our .ssh/config that lets us run ssh blog to connect to the droplet. The remote- commands in the Makefile use this so we don't have to hardcode our username, ssh key, hostname, etc.

We need an environment file for docker to pass our secrets to the remote host's containers. In the sleepanarchy-api/ folder run stack run sleepanarchy-api-management generate-jwk and paste the resulting JSON into a file under the API_JWK=<key-string-here> variable name.

We need to do something a little different during the initial deployment of the webapp. Our custom nginx docker container contains a throwaway self-signed cert to bootstrap the certificate generation from certbot.

We perform this bootstrapping with make remote-bootstrap-certs. This will create our networks, volumes, & containers on the remote host. It uses the deploy/docker-compose.bootstrap.yml override file to do the initial database migration & the certbot certificate generation.

You can monitor the progress of certificate generation by running make remote-logs. After the sleepanarchy-certbot-1 container exits successfully, you should reload the nginx server with make remote-reload-nginx to make it pick up the new certificates.

Now you should be able to visit without seeing the self-signed certificate warning.

Next we'll need to migrate our old django database into our new one. The makefile will again make this very straightforward:

# Add a leading space to prevent adding the shell history
 CMD="create-user <my-user> <my-pass>" make remote-api-mgmt
cp ~/blog-dump.psql .
make remote-migrate-old-db

You should now see all the old posts & links on the new site & be able to sign in to the admin.


The site is live, has posts & links, has an admin that lets me upload media & edit/create new posts. That said, still lots that could be improved.


  • General
    • Haskell manage.hs script for running server & client watchers in one terminal(see SESE website repo).
    • Clean shutdowns using signals
    • Auto-retry DB connection on error - docker network is flaky & sometimes DNS lookups don't always work on first request. We currently add a 10s sleep before starting the server in the Dockerfile, but would love to kill that.
  • Blog Posts
    • Paginated list route?
    • Prev/Next links on details page
    • RSS / ATOM feeds?
    • Re-evaluate description auto-generation(render as markdown & then take first paragraph? Never auto-gen?)
  • Link Dump
    • Sidebar data? Has "recent links", "top viewed links", "top categories", "tag cloud". But do we actually care? Maybe later?
    • Admin: Create category
    • Admin: Add Link
    • Admin: Delete Link
  • Pastes
    • Decide to keep or ditch this? We link to a few pastes in our posts...
  • Media
    • Optimize PNG, GIF, & JPEGs on upload?
    • Delete files


  • General
    • Redirect blog 404 responses to NotFound page? Or render an h1 title for error responses in renderRemoteData.
    • Loading spinner(fade-in?)
    • Scroll to element in hash on initial load(only required on BlogPostView)
    • Scroll to top of page or to hash on page/url change.
    • Helpers for pageDataReceived on init when component has no apiData field or no action for initialize.
    • Throw my github/gitlab/linkedin in footer as icons
    • SEO: allow optional setting of og: article attributes: Author, Purblish Time, Section, & Tag.
  • Blog Posts
    • published date formatting(X days ago)
    • Add feeds to sidebar? Or footer? Or both?
    • 404 page(or redirect to NotFound route when api req returns 404)
  • Admin site
    • Add icons to sidebar items
    • Collapseable sidebar
    • Standardize styles
    • Forms
      • validation
      • take aribtrary optional properties? for custom type or autocomplete
      • use name property
      • convert args into config record
    • Preview markdown fields (tabbed view? live side-by-side update?)
    • (soft?) delete posts, w/ confirm
    • list/add/edit/delete blog categories
    • list/add/edit/delete links & categories
    • media: delete files
    • media: folder icon, icons for files based on mimetype


  • Support DB password auth - in backend code & compose file
  • Allow cycling API server w/o restarting nginx. This occurs because of the depends_on from nginx to api. We need this right now because nginx fails to start if it can't reach the api or prerender hosts. Maybe a way around this is using set for the hostnames in nginx, but my first attempt caused this to throw "not initialized" errors.
    • I fixed the set directives so they work properly, but need to test removing depends_on and see if nginx stays up with no api service
  • Remove tmp subdomain from certbot bootstrap. Was added since we got rate-limited for a week on 7/11 by making too many valid certs while testing.
  • Tag docker images with latest only for builds on master branch.
  • Tag docker images with tag name for release/tag builds.
  • Implement SSL certificate renewals.
    • Move certbot to nginx container & add cronjob?
    • Make custom certbot container & entrypoint script that continuously renews & sleeps for 24hrs. Add nginx cronjob to reload server daily?
    • Make cronjobs on host machine that uses docker-compose run?
  • Use --start-interval=1s & expand --start-period flags for HEALTHCHECK commands once host is on docker v25+.


GPL 3.0+