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Query Assist component

This repo is deprecated

Ring UI library is now open-sourced including Query Assist component.


This temporary repo contains our Query Assist component that we're often asked to share. The component depends on a half of our library and a few external modules. Thus, it is not possible to share it as just one file.

It is unlikely that we will accept any pull request as this is not the main repo. However, any feedback is highly appreciated.

Try the demo

Try the Query Assist component in action on our production services: Hub, Upsource or YouTrack new agile board. In YouTrack, most query and search fields in other parts of the interface still use the previous version of the component.

Prerequisites: nodejs (tested with 5.7.0).

  1. Install dependencies: npm install.
  2. Start server: npm start.
  3. Run npm run build to build minified demo version.

Optional: Provide browserlist file to configure vendor prefixes generated by Autoprefixer.

Important files in the repo

  • components/query-assist/query-assist.js — the component source
  • query-assist.js — the component usage demo
  • webpack.config.js — minimal webpack config required to build the component

End-user shortcuts

Shortcut Action
down Select the next suggestion
up Select the previous suggestion
enter, command+enter, ctrl+enter Insert selected suggestion or apply the query when nothing is selected
ctrl+space Show suggestions popup
esc Hide suggestions popup
tab Replace the current part of a query with a selected or the first (!) suggestion

Component params

Field Type Default Is required Description
autoOpen bool false Open suggestions popup on the initial render
caret number query.length Initial caret position
clear bool false Show clickable looking cross on the right which clears query
className string '' Additional class for component
popupClassName string '' Pass additional class for popup
dataSource func ✔️ Data source function
delay number 0 Input debounce delay
disabled bool false Disable component
focus bool false Initial focus
hint string '' Hint under the suggestions list
hintOnSelection string '' Hint under the suggestions list visible when suggestion is selected
glass bool false Show clickable looking glass on the right which applies query
loader bool false Show loader when data source request is in process
placeholder string '' Field placeholder value
onApply func Called when the query is applied. An object with fields caret, focus and query is passed as argument.
onChange func Called when the query is changed. An object with fields caret and query is passed to it as argument.
onClear func Called when the query is cleared. Called without arguments.
onFocusChange func Called when the focus status is changed. An object with fields focus is passed as argument.
shortcuts bool true Enable shortcuts
query string '' Initial query

Data source function

Component class calls a data source function when user input happens and passes object with fields caret, focus and query as the only argument. The function must return object with fields described below. The object can be optionally wrapped in Promise.

return object fields

caret and query should just return server values provided to data source function. These fields allow the Query Assist component to recognise and drop earlier responds from server, if responds took longer than the most recent ones.

Field Type Default Is required Description
caret string 0 Caret from request
query string '' Query from request
styleRanges Array<suggestion> Array of styleRange objects, used to highlight request in input field
suggestions Array<styleRange> ✔️ Array of suggestion objects to show.

styleRange object fields

Field Type Is required Description
start number ✔️ Range start (in characters).
length number ✔️ Range length (in characters).
style string ✔️ Style of the range. Possible values: text, field_value, field_name, operator

suggestion object fields

Field Type Is required Description
prefix string Suggestion option prefix
option string ✔️ Suggestion option
suffix string Suggestion option suffix
description string Suggestion option description. Is not visible when a group is set
matchingStart number ✔️, when matchingEnd is set Start of highlighted part of option in suggestions list (in characters)
matchingEnd number ✔️, when matchingEnd is set End of highlighted part of option in suggestions list (in characters)
caret number ✔️ Position of caret after option completion (in characters)
completionStart number ✔️ Index where to start insertion (or replacement, when completing with the Tab key) of completion option (in characters).
completionEnd number ✔️ Index where to end replacement of completion option (in characters)
group string Group title. Options with the same title are grouped under it.
icon string Icon URI, Data URI is possible


Apache 2.0


Query Assist component. REPO DEPRECATED, see







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