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Netlify Edge Functions with Prisma Accelerate

This guide outlines how to utilize Prisma Accelerate's connection pooling with Netlify Edge functions.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • Netlify CLI:

    npm install netlify-cli -g
  • Latest version of Deno in your project

Getting Started

  1. Set Up Environment Variables: Create an .env file in your project directory and define the required environment variables:

  2. Run Migrations and Generate Prisma Client:

    Execute the following commands in your terminal:

    deno run -A npm:prisma migrate dev --name init

    Generate your Prisma Client:

    deno run -A --unstable npm:prisma generate --no-engine
  3. Start Your Project:

    Launch your project locally using Netlify Dev:

    netlify dev

Deploy to Production

Make sure you're logged in to Netlify using the CLI:

netlify login

Deploy to Netlify

  1. Set Environment Variables:

    Update your project's environment variables on Netlify using the CLI:

    netlify env:set DATABASE_URL "prisma://"
    netlify env:set DIRECT_URL "postgresql://user:password@host:port/db_name?schema=public"
  2. Deploy to Netlify:

    Trigger the deployment process to Netlify:

    netlify deploy --prod
    • Output:

      Upon successful deployment, you'll receive deployment details including logs and URLs to access your deployed application.

  3. Test Your API:

    Navigate to the /hello endpoint of your deployed application to verify that your API is functioning correctly.


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