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130 lines (92 loc) · 3.75 KB


File metadata and controls

130 lines (92 loc) · 3.75 KB

export const meta = { title: "Using the Prisma CLI", position: 10, }


The Prisma command line interface (CLI) is the primary tool to deploy and manage your Prisma services.

The Prisma CLI helps you in areas such as:

  • Bootstraping service configuration files for new services
  • Deploying services to Prisma servers
  • Generating authentication tokens
  • Seeding, importing and exporting data
  • ...and more

To get detailled information about all CLI commands, read the command reference.


The Prisma CLI can be installed from the NPM registry.


brew install prisma
brew tap 


npm install -g prisma


yarn global add prisma


$ prisma

GraphQL Database Gateway (
Usage: prisma COMMAND

  init            Initialize a new service
  deploy          Deploy service changes (or new service)
  introspect      Introspect database schema(s) of service
  info            Display service information (endpoints, cluster, ...)
  token           Create a new service token
  list            List all deployed services
  delete          Delete an existing service

Data workflows:
  playground      Open service endpoints in GraphQL Playground
  seed            Seed a service with data specified in the prisma.yml
  import          Import data into a service
  export          Export service data to local file
  reset           Reset the stage data

  login           Login or signup to the Prisma Cloud
  logout          Logout from Prisma Cloud
  console         Open Prisma Console in browser
  account         Display account information

Use prisma help [command] for more information about a command.
Docs can be found here:


- Initialize files for a new Prisma service
  $ prisma init

- Deploy service changes (or new service)
  $ prisma deploy


Once installed, execute the following commands to get your Prisma API up-and-running and start sending queries and mutations to it:

prisma init hello-world
# Select a *Demo server* from the interactive prompt
cd hello-world
prisma deploy
prisma playground

You can now start sending queries and mutations to your Prisma API. For a more comprehensive walkthrough, check out the Get Started section.

Usage with graphql-config

The Prisma CLI integrates with graphql-config. If your project uses a .graphqlconfig.yml-file, you can use the prisma extension and point it to your prisma.yml:

    schemaPath: prisma.graphql
      prisma: prisma.yml

Using a HTTP proxy for the CLI

The Prisma CLI supports custom HTTP proxies. This is particularly relevant when being behind a corporate firewall.

To activate the proxy, provide the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. The behavior is very similar to how the npm CLI handles this.

The following environment variables can be provided:

  • HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy: Proxy URL for http traffic, for example http://localhost:8080
  • HTTPS_PROXY or https_proxy: Proxy URL for https traffic, for example https://localhost:8080
  • NO_PROXY or no_proxy: To disable the proxying for certain URLs, please provide a glob for NO_PROXY, for example *.

To get a simple local proxy, you can use the proxy module:

npm install -g proxy
DEBUG="*" proxy -p 8080
HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:8080 HTTPS_PROXY=https://localhost:8080 prisma deploy