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[Introspection] Additionally output count of error at end of validation output #1151

janpio opened this issue Dec 15, 2019 · 0 comments · Fixed by prisma/prisma-engines#466
kind/improvement An improvement to existing feature and code. topic: introspection


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janpio commented Dec 15, 2019

Currently you just get a wall of text, e.g.:

Error: Schema parsing
error: Error validating model "addresses": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1
 1 | model addresses {
 2 |   building      String?
error: Error validating model "affiliation_phases": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:26
25 | 
26 | model affiliation_phases {
27 |   affiliation_id          affiliations  @relation("affiliation_phases_affiliation_idToaffiliations", references: [id])
error: Error validating model "affiliations": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:36
35 | 
36 | model affiliations {
37 |   affiliation_key                                                               String
error: Error validating model "american_football_action_plays": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:89
88 | 
89 | model american_football_action_plays {
90 |   american_football_event_state_id        american_football_event_states          @relation(references: [id])
error: Error validating model "american_football_defensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:105
104 | 
105 | model american_football_defensive_stats {
106 |   id                      Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_down_progress_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:121
120 | 
121 | model american_football_down_progress_stats {
122 |   conversions_fourth_down            String?
error: Error validating model "american_football_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:135
134 | 
135 | model american_football_event_states {
136 |   clock_state                      String?
error: Error validating model "american_football_fumbles_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:156
155 | 
156 | model american_football_fumbles_stats {
157 |   fumbles_committed             String?
error: Error validating model "american_football_offensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:173
172 | 
173 | model american_football_offensive_stats {
174 |   id                                Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_passing_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:182
181 | 
182 | model american_football_passing_stats {
183 |   id                              Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_penalties_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:205
204 | 
205 | model american_football_penalties_stats {
206 |   id                  Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_rushing_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:212
211 | 
212 | model american_football_rushing_stats {
213 |   id                        Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_sacks_against_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:222
221 | 
222 | model american_football_sacks_against_stats {
223 |   id                  Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "american_football_scoring_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:228
227 | 
228 | model american_football_scoring_stats {
229 |   extra_points_attempts          String?
error: Error validating model "american_football_special_teams_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:249
248 | 
249 | model american_football_special_teams_stats {
250 |   fair_catches                        String?
error: Error validating model "baseball_action_contact_details": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:282
281 | 
282 | model baseball_action_contact_details {
283 |   baseball_action_pitch_id baseball_action_pitches @relation(references: [id])
error: Error validating model "baseball_action_pitches": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:293
292 | 
293 | model baseball_action_pitches {
294 |   ball_type                         String?
error: Error validating model "baseball_action_plays": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:314
313 | 
314 | model baseball_action_plays {
315 |   baseball_defensive_group_id Int?
error: Error validating model "baseball_action_substitutions": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:335
334 | 
335 | model baseball_action_substitutions {
336 |   baseball_event_state_id      baseball_event_states @relation(references: [id])
error: Error validating model "baseball_defensive_group": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:350
349 | 
350 | model baseball_defensive_group {
351 |   id                           Int                          @unique
error: Error validating model "baseball_defensive_players": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:356
355 | 
356 | model baseball_defensive_players {
357 |   baseball_defensive_group_id baseball_defensive_group
error: Error validating model "baseball_defensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:363
362 | 
363 | model baseball_defensive_stats {
364 |   assists                      Int?
error: Error validating model "baseball_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:376
375 | 
376 | model baseball_event_states {
377 |   at_bat_number                   Int?
error: Error validating model "baseball_offensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:405
404 | 
405 | model baseball_offensive_stats {
406 |   at_bats                        Int?
error: Error validating model "baseball_pitching_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:442
441 | 
442 | model baseball_pitching_stats {
443 |   balks                      Int?
error: Error validating model "basketball_defensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:475
474 | 
475 | model basketball_defensive_stats {
476 |   blocks_per_game String?
error: Error validating model "basketball_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:483
482 | 
483 | model basketball_event_states {
484 |   context               String?
error: Error validating model "basketball_offensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:496
495 | 
496 | model basketball_offensive_stats {
497 |   assists_per_game                  String?
error: Error validating model "basketball_rebounding_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:526
525 | 
526 | model basketball_rebounding_stats {
527 |   id                      Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "basketball_team_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:538
537 | 
538 | model basketball_team_stats {
539 |   fouls_total     String?
error: Error validating model "bookmakers": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:546
545 | 
546 | model bookmakers {
547 |   bookmaker_key                    String?
error: Error validating model "core_person_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:558
557 | 
558 | model core_person_stats {
559 |   events_played             Int?
error: Error validating model "core_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:568
567 | 
568 | model core_stats {
569 |   id                        Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "db_info": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:578
577 | 
578 | model db_info {
579 |   version String @default("16")
error: Error validating model "display_names": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:584
583 | 
584 | model display_names {
585 |   abbreviation String?
error: Error validating model "document_classes": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:600
599 | 
600 | model document_classes {
601 |   id                  Int                 @unique
error: Error validating model "document_contents": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:608
607 | 
608 | model document_contents {
609 |   abstract    String?
error: Error validating model "document_fixtures_events": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:631
630 | 
631 | model document_fixtures_events {
632 |   document_fixture_id document_fixtures
error: Error validating model "document_packages": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:652
651 | 
652 | model document_packages {
653 |   date_time                DateTime?
error: Error validating model "documents_media": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:692
691 | 
692 | model documents_media {
693 |   document_id      documents
error: Error validating model "events": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:699
698 | 
699 | model events {
700 |   attendance                       String?
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_action_participants": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:751
750 | 
751 | model ice_hockey_action_participants {
752 |   ice_hockey_action_play_id Int
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_action_plays": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:759
758 | 
759 | model ice_hockey_action_plays {
760 |   comment                   String?
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_defensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:768
767 | 
768 | model ice_hockey_defensive_stats {
769 |   goals_against_average      String?
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:790
789 | 
790 | model ice_hockey_event_states {
791 |   context               String?
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_offensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:801
800 | 
801 | model ice_hockey_offensive_stats {
802 |   assists                       String?
error: Error validating model "ice_hockey_player_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:827
826 | 
827 | model ice_hockey_player_stats {
828 |   id         Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "injury_phases": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:832
831 | 
832 | model injury_phases {
833 |   disabled_list   String?
error: Error validating model "key_aliases": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:852
851 | 
852 | model key_aliases {
853 |   id          Int       @unique
error: Error validating model "key_roots": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:860
859 | 
860 | model key_roots {
861 |   id            Int           @unique
error: Error validating model "latest_revisions": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:868
867 | 
868 | model latest_revisions {
869 |   id                 Int       @unique
error: Error validating model "locations": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:877
876 | 
877 | model locations {
878 |   country_code                                       String?
error: Error validating model "media": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:895
894 | 
895 | model media {
896 |   creation_location_id locations
error: Error validating model "media_contents": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:927
926 | 
927 | model media_contents {
928 |   duration   String?
error: Error validating model "media_keywords": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:940
939 | 
940 | model media_keywords {
941 |   id       Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "motor_racing_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:946
945 | 
946 | model motor_racing_event_states {
947 |   context         String?
error: Error validating model "motor_racing_qualifying_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:960
959 | 
960 | model motor_racing_qualifying_stats {
961 |   grid                   String?
error: Error validating model "motor_racing_race_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:971
970 | 
971 | model motor_racing_race_stats {
972 |   bonus               String?
error: Error validating model "outcome_totals": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1001
1000 | 
1001 | model outcome_totals {
1002 |   id                    Int                @unique
error: Error validating model "participants_events": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1023
1022 | 
1023 | model participants_events {
1024 |   alignment        String?
error: Error validating model "periods": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1041
1040 | 
1041 | model periods {
1042 |   id                   Int                 @unique
error: Error validating model "person_phases": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1072
1071 | 
1072 | model person_phases {
1073 |   end_date_time          DateTime?
error: Error validating model "persons": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1102
1101 | 
1102 | model persons {
1103 |   birth_date                                                                                 String?
error: Error validating model "positions": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1144
1143 | 
1144 | model positions {
1145 |   abbreviation                                                                                          String
error: Error validating model "publishers": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1159
1158 | 
1159 | model publishers {
1160 |   id                                             Int                 @unique
error: Error validating model "roles": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1179
1178 | 
1179 | model roles {
1180 |   comment                String?
error: Error validating model "sites": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1212
1211 | 
1212 | model sites {
1213 |   id           Int        @unique
error: Error validating model "soccer_defensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1225
1224 | 
1225 | model soccer_defensive_stats {
1226 |   catches_punches            String?
error: Error validating model "soccer_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1241
1240 | 
1241 | model soccer_event_states {
1242 |   context               String?
error: Error validating model "soccer_foul_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1256
1255 | 
1256 | model soccer_foul_stats {
1257 |   caution_points_pending String?
error: Error validating model "soccer_offensive_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1267
1266 | 
1267 | model soccer_offensive_stats {
1268 |   assists_game_tying            String?
error: Error validating model "standings": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1296
1295 | 
1296 | model standings {
1297 |   affiliation_id       affiliations
error: Error validating model "stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1320
1319 | 
1320 | model stats {
1321 |   context              String
error: Error validating model "sub_periods": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1339
1338 | 
1339 | model sub_periods {
1340 |   id               Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "sub_seasons": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1348
1347 | 
1348 | model sub_seasons {
1349 |   end_date_time        DateTime?
error: Error validating model "team_american_football_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1363
1362 | 
1363 | model team_american_football_stats {
1364 |   average_starting_position String?
error: Error validating model "teams": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1384
1383 | 
1384 | model teams {
1385 |   home_site_id                     sites?
error: Error validating model "tennis_action_points": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1411
1410 | 
1411 | model tennis_action_points {
1412 |   id              Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "tennis_action_volleys": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1418
1417 | 
1418 | model tennis_action_volleys {
1419 |   id                      Int     @unique
error: Error validating model "tennis_event_states": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1429
1428 | 
1429 | model tennis_event_states {
1430 |   context            String?
error: Error validating model "tennis_return_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1446
1445 | 
1446 | model tennis_return_stats {
1447 |   break_points_converted               String?
error: Error validating model "tennis_service_stats": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1462
1461 | 
1462 | model tennis_service_stats {
1463 |   aces                          String?
error: Error validating model "wagering_moneylines": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1481
1480 | 
1481 | model wagering_moneylines {
1482 |   bookmaker_id bookmakers
error: Error validating model "wagering_odds_lines": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1496
1495 | 
1496 | model wagering_odds_lines {
1497 |   bookmaker_id       bookmakers
error: Error validating model "wagering_runlines": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1512
1511 | 
1512 | model wagering_runlines {
1513 |   bookmaker_id bookmakers
error: Error validating model "wagering_straight_spread_lines": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1528
1527 | 
1528 | model wagering_straight_spread_lines {
1529 |   bookmaker_id       bookmakers
error: Error validating model "wagering_total_score_lines": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1543
1542 | 
1543 | model wagering_total_score_lines {
1544 |   bookmaker_id  bookmakers
error: Error validating model "weather_conditions": Each model must have exactly one id criteria. Either mark a single field with `@id` or add a multi field id criterion with `@@id([])` to the model..
  -->  schema.prisma:1560
1559 | 
1560 | model weather_conditions {
1561 |   clouds            String?

To iterate on fixing errors in the schema, it would be super nice if at the end it could output a count of the number of errors that was output:

37 errors

Then after you improve something, you can directly see how many errors are left for this schema.

(Super bonus points if it also outputs a list of "patterns" (type of error) and their count)

@janpio janpio added topic: introspection kind/improvement An improvement to existing feature and code. labels Dec 15, 2019
@janpio janpio added this to the Preview 20 milestone Jan 7, 2020
@janpio janpio modified the milestones: Preview 20, Preview 21 Jan 17, 2020
@janpio janpio modified the milestones: Preview 21, Preview 22 Jan 31, 2020
@janpio janpio changed the title [Introspection] Output count of error at end of validation output [Introspection] Additionally output count of error at end of validation output Feb 4, 2020
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kind/improvement An improvement to existing feature and code. topic: introspection
None yet

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2 participants