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How To Integrate

David Colangelo edited this page Jun 23, 2022 · 25 revisions

SDK Integration

The steps below assume you already have access to your Prizeout dashboard. If you’ve yet to receive dashboard access, please contact partner sales contact your partner support team directly.

There are various ways to integrate our widget into your application, your implementation team should help you choose the best method of integration based on your desired experience. Various aspects of the available integration options will be discussed here to help you make the best decision possible. Please consider the pros and cons of each implementation before making a choice, and if you have any questions please feel free to open a ticket and ask or reach out to directly for more info.


Prizeout will provide you with two sets of credentials, your initial testing credentials will be for the sandbox environment and once all your integration and testing work is completed you will be provided production credentials. Environments for all Prizeout native resources can be set with the Environment enum;


Subclassing PrizeoutViewController

We provide a view controller that contains everything needed to load the widget into an empty view as long as you provide your credentials. The simplest implementation for sub-classing the PrizeoutViewController would look as follows

import Prizeout

class ViewController: PrizeoutViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
           try super.setCredentials(sessionId: "XXXXXXXXXXX", 
                                    partnerId: "XXXXXXXXXXX", 
                                    apiKey: "XXXXXXXXXXX",
                                    userId: "123", 
                                    email: "",
                                    balance: 2000, 
        } catch {
            print("Error Setting Credentials")

Using Balance Bins

If you would prefer to pass across a range for your users balance you can do so with balance bins or by directly passing blanceMin and balanceMax working off the previous example you would switch it to one of the following:

directly passing balanceMin and balanceMax:

try super.setCredentials(sessionId: "1",
                                     partnerId: "298dad54-4d58-4aba-a374-636ec1c8c991",
                                     partnerName: "testPartner"
                                     apiKey: "9c561f2285c1e4142ab41fa4de67b3f1",
                                     userId: "123",
                                     email: "",
                                     balanceMin: 1000,
                                     balanceMax: 100000,
                                     environment: Environment.sandbox)

using our pre-configured balance bins

try super.setCredentials(sessionId: "1",
                                     partnerId: "298dad54-4d58-4aba-a374-636ec1c8c991",
                                     partnerName: "testPartner"
                                     apiKey: "9c561f2285c1e4142ab41fa4de67b3f1",
                                     userId: "123",
                                     email: "",
                                     balanceBin: BalanceBin.min1000000_max2500000,
                                     environment: Environment.sandbox)

For reference our pre-configured balance bin options are


Display options

When subclassing the view controller you should consider the various options for setting presentation style if you are presenting this modally to a user. As of iOS 13 Apple has a new default card style presentation for modals when left in the automatic mode. This has the advantage of displaying our widget and allowing a top-down swipe exit leveraging the native functionality within iOS along with your override of the Prizeout onClose function. You can also chose fullscreen which will present the modal on the whole screen. You can leverage the onClose override to then do any exit navigation you need to do.


There are two events you can override in your subclass implementation of the view controller, one for each of our callbacks. You will need to override the onClose method to control navigation out of the widget. Overriding of the onInit method is optional.

func onClose

Your view controller should provide an override of the onClose method where your code will navigate back to the appropriate place in your app. For example, if you are using a navigation controller and have pushed the PrizeoutViewController onto the view stack you can dismiss it as follows:

    override func onClose(){
        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

func onInit

This is the native override for our web onInit callback, you can use this to deal with anything you might want to deal with in the background after the widget has initialized. There is no requirement to override this, it's provided for you if you need it.