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Follow the steps below to have the template in a working status.

  1. Install Git and npm if you haven't done yet.

  2. install bower by "npm install bower -g"

  3. Install grunt client by "npm install grunt-cli -g"

  4. git clone

  5. Change to the ng-ts-template folder.

  6. npm install - This will install everything required for a typescript angularjs (< 2.0) AMD source code.

  7. grunt - This will build the code.

Open the "index.html" in a browser.

If this is installed on a linux box, have http-server installed using "npm install http-server" Now use http-server Open the url in a browser.

unit test

  1. make sure karma is installed (npm install karma -g).
  2. npm test

e2e test

Open a command window and do the following.

  1. run "webdriver-manager update"
  2. run "webdriver-manager start"
  3. Now run "protractor"