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             ProArc - The Production and Archiving System

This is a source code release of ProArc. Before using this
software, you must read and agree to the license, found under

Information about the project can be found for
online browsing at the following URL:

Building ProArc
To build the release package use the following command:

  mvn -B com.isomorphic:isc-maven-plugin:1.1.1:install -Dproduct=SMARTGWT -Dlicense=LGPL -DbuildNumber=6.0p -DbuildDate=2017-12-08
  -- note: if "mvn -B com.isomorphic:isc-maven-plugin:1.1.1:install..." failed, you have to download and unzip this file "" to repository ".m2/repository/com/*"
  mvn clean install -U -P proarc.production

The release package can be found at proarc-webapp/target/proarc-*