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GuidelinesForContributors edited this page Sep 1, 2010 · 39 revisions
  1. summary Best practices to follow when contributing code to PMTK3
When you contribute code, please follow these guidelines
  * Please contribute demos and/or new functionality.
 * Follow the general Matlab programming style guidelines [ here].
  * Follow the guidelines on writing demos [ here]. Then, when publishDemos() is called, it will  make nice web pages, such as those listed [ here], 
  * Use PMTKauthor, PMTKurl, PMTKdate tags so that your code is automatically detected by [  generateAuthorReport], which auto-generates [ this page]
  * Use the tags listed [ here] to tag any properties of your functions or demos. This will be used to annotate them when we auto-generate synposes such as [ these] using [ generateSynopsisTable].
  * Use the debugDemos.m command, which creates a list  [ like this], to make sure your demos keep working. 
  * See [ this page] for details on adding data sets. 
  * See [svnMimeTypes this page] for an important note regarding svn mime types. 
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