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Processing Handbook Errata

Casey Reas edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 19 revisions

This page lists known errors in the Second Edition of Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists by Casey Reas and Ben Fry (December 2014, MIT Press). If you see an error, please add it to the Issues list here in the processing/processing-docs repository. Please include the page number and description.

Corrections for second printing

pp. 14-15 - Images for codes 2-07 and 2-08 are reversed. (Thank you S. Monge!) [See processing/processing-docs#277]

p. 237 - In code 18-04, there is a missing ‘{' here, this is correct:

// Move to room 2
if (x > width+r) {
	mode = 2;
	x = r; 

p. 231 - Caption for Figure 18-1, the word "captures" should be singular

p. 232 - Caption for Figure 18-2, the word "captures" should be singular

p. 234 - Caption for Figure 18-3, the word "captures" should be singular

p. 464 - Code is incorrect in 31-12, update to this:

void draw() {
  for (ArrowParticle part : p) {

p. 466 - Update text to "The rectangle on the right has a mass six times larger than that of the rectangle on the left."

p. 543 - The line image(arch, 0, 0); should be removed from the first line of draw()

p. 547 - In the sentence "The P3D renderer for drawing in three dimensions is discussed in the 3D Drawing chapter (p. 21)" the page reference is incorrect. It should be (p. 199)

p. 568 - Caption for Figure 36-6, the word "captures" should be singular

Corrections for third printing

pp. 101 - Line 13 of code 7-23 is incorrect, the correct code is: (Thank you "sonification"!)

void setup() {
  size(200, 100);

void draw() {
  if (mousePressed == true) {
    cursor(HAND);  // Draw cursor as hand
  } else {
  line(mouseX, 0, mouseX, height);
  line(0, mouseY, width, mouseY);