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This repo contains my solutions to exercises from the legendary textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming, or from associated problem sets and projects. It also records as many resources as I could remember using in my journey.

I am doing solutions with Guile Scheme. In the past (under the folder ./Old/), I used heavily-commented Guile files combined with occasional Jupyter notebooks. Now, I'm using org-mode with Guile code blocks, plus Gnuplot for drawing plots. I hope to add a Nix file at some point so it's easy for others to load all the needed dependencies and mess around with my code.

You are welcome to join our SICP study Discord server. We like helping people get unstuck and feel the sense of accomplishment this book provides, so you're welcome to ask any question for any part of the book.

The server was organized for people to work through the book in groups, however the server isn't highly active. So, if there isn't anyone working through the book at the same time, I encourage you to post your progress as you work. It feels like shouting into an empty room, but if someone happens to drop in who'd like to collaborate, your posts will let them know that you're there, and they can open a dialog about coordinating. If you start working through the book together, you can ask for a dedicated chatroom and role to organize between yourselves and send pings to your group specifically.

What's the scope of the Readme below?

This infodump contains as many resources as I could remember relying upon, including links to similar infodumps written by other people. It may be helpful to scan what topics and issues these dumps contain, so if you hit some issue, you might remember a specific paragraph about that exact issue, rather than needing to turn to Google for non-SICP-specific advice.

It does not explicitly cover the SICP-descended UC Berkley course, CS-61A, though you may like it enough to prefer it, or follow both simultaneously as some decide to do.

Source material

Various Resources

Scheme proposals for SICP support libraries (usually not implemented, but hey it's worth knowing about):

Which Scheme should I use?

Below I compare several options. TLDR:

  1. Racket + DrRacket + the SICP package has the best beginner experience and debugging interface. But I found some incompatiblities even with the SICP package and dropped it. Good for beginners though.
  2. Guile Scheme has the best compatibility and it's extremely mature, and with several powerful extensions to the language which you'll really want in later projects.

If you're working in a group, you should submit your homework in any way that can be easily followed by others, preferably in a way that they won't need to run your code but can if they want.

You might want to do your homework in an environment that intermixes source code with rich text and LaTeX for math. Some options:

  • Emacs org-mode + org-babel, providing an interactive development environment that can be turned into a Latex document
  • Jupyter notebooks with the Guile/Racket/Calysto module
  • just keeping your source code in one file and your fancy marked-up answers in another. I.e. static site generators with Latex support.

To be frank, the last path (the 'K.I.S.S.' principle) may be the ideal path at the moment. I've spent many hours working out the kinks in org-mode + org-babel and it's still not how I want it.


I recommend Guile for its high compatibility with SICP and its high quality and availability. A Jupyter kernel and a Replit environment are available.

A couple helpful and important details regarding Guile Scheme, especially how to enable read line support:

Here's a small benchmarking function and a small unit tester that I've found quite helpful.

To run code from SICP, you'll need to change:

  • true and false to #t and #f
  • nil to '() (not to #nil). See later note re: nil.


Racket has the best debugger (DrRacket) but it will only have compatibility for extremely basic Scheme expressions. It has an SICP compatibility mode, but I found this wasn't perfect, and it broke some other desirable features. However don't be afraid to give it a try for yourself.


Another option which I haven't tried is Calysto Scheme, a Scheme interoperable with Python which is well-integrated for Jupyter notebooks. Compatibility with SICP not guaranteed.

Tidbits about Scheme


Short answer: you probably want to use equal?

Thanks to SA

(= 2 3)     ;=> #f
(= 2.5 2.5) ;=> #t
(= '() '()) ;=> error

(define x '(2 3))
(define y '(2 3))
(eq? x y)         ;=> #f
(define y x)
(eq? x y)         ;=> #t

(define x '())
(define y '())
(eq? x y)      ;=> #t

; eq? inconsistent on primatives
(eq? 2 2)     ;=> depends upon the implementation
(eq? "a" "a") ;=> depends upon the implementation

; eqv? is a superset of eq? that's more consistent on primatives
(eqv? 2 2)     ;=> #t
(eqv? "a" "a") ;=> depends upon the implementation

Numeric/atomic/list/structure equality with equal?

(define x '(2 3))
(define y '(2 3))
(equal? x y)     ; => #t
(eqv? x y)       ; => #f

Nil's meaning in Guile

(equal? '() #nil) ;; ==> False!!!
(let ((parens-list (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))))
	  (nil-list (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 #nil)))))
  (display parens-list)(display " <== ends with '()")
;; (1 2 3) <== ends with '()
  (display nil-list)(display " <== ends with #nil")
;; (1 2 3) <== ends with #nil
  (display "Are these two lists equal? > ")
  (display (equal? parens-list nil-list))
;; Are these two lists equal? > #f
  (display "Does Guile consider #nil and '() equal? > ")
  (display (equal? #nil '()))
;; Does Guile consider #nil and '() equal? > #f
  (display "What about #nil and #f? > ")
  (display (equal? #nil #f)))
;; What about #nil and #f? > #f

Forcing floating points and rationals in Guile

Have you encountered little bugs from procedures mixing integers and floats? One solution for this problem is making your constructors force a type when they're created. You can force integers to floating point with this:

(define (float x)
  (if (inexact? x)
      (exact->inexact x)))

And you can force floats to rational numbers with this:

(define (rat x)
  (define dx 1/100000)
  (if (exact? x)
       (inexact->exact x)

Visualizing Lists in Scheme

In the browser: Lisp code syntax visualizer

On Linux: install graphviz and add this function to your file. Call it with (display (list->grapviz YourList)). Then feed that output to dot like so:

guile box_ptr.scm | dot -o /dev/stdout -Tpng > box_pointer_diagram.png

Using Racket for SICP

raco pkg install sicp

This pkg gives you a compatible language set when loaded. Load in the REPL with racket -I sicp, or in files by putting #lang sicp at the top of your file. When using sicp, load modules with #%require instead of require.

Requirements for org-babel + guile

NOTE: I've worked a lot on this and it's still not how I really want it. If you can find a better path, you should go with that.

Be sure to install Guile, and Texlive.

For graphing, install gnuplot and graphviz.

Doom-Emacs minimum dependencies


(doom! [......]

       (eval +overlay)

       (org +dragndrop +hugo +gnuplot +jupyter +pandoc +pretty)
                         ; the one that really matters
       (scheme +guile)


;; workaround for some errors
(after! geiser-guile
  (setq geiser-guile-binary "guile"))
(defalias 'run-geiser 'geiser)

;; latex export
;; this is the real arcane stuff, tread carefully
(after! ox-latex
  (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)
  (setq org-latex-src-block-backend 'minted)
  (setq org-export-latex-listings 'minted)
  (when (boundp 'org-export-latex-packages-alist)
    (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted")))
  (when (boundp 'org-latex-minted-langs)
    (add-to-list 'org-latex-minted-langs '(ipython "python"))
    (add-to-list 'org-latex-minted-langs '(scheme "scheme")))
  (setq org-latex-minted-options '(("breaklines" "true")
                                   ("breakanywhere" "true")
                                   ("linenos" "true")))
  (when (boundp 'org-latex-pdf-process)
    (setq org-latex-pdf-process
          '("latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f")))

;; parse .scm and .scheme the same
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(scm\\|stk\\|ss\\|sch\\|scheme\\)\\'" . scheme-mode))

;; OPTIONAL: per-section modification times recorded in org-mode
(after! org
  (defun yant/getentryhash ()
    "Get the hash sum of the text in current entry, except :HASH: and :MODIFIED: property texts."
      (let* ((beg (progn (org-back-to-heading) (point)))
             (end (progn
                    (if (not (re-search-forward "^\*+ " (point-max) t))
                      (match-beginning 0))))
             (full-str (buffer-substring beg end))
             (str-nohash (if (string-match "^ *:HASH:.+\n" full-str)
                             (replace-match "" nil nil full-str)
             (str-nohash-nomod (if (string-match "^ *:MODIFIED:.+\n" str-nohash)
                                   (replace-match "" nil nil str-nohash)
             (str-nohash-nomod-nopropbeg (if (string-match "^ *:PROPERTIES:\n" str-nohash-nomod)
                                             (replace-match "" nil nil str-nohash-nomod)
             (str-nohash-nomod-nopropbeg-end (if (string-match "^ *:END:\n" str-nohash-nomod-nopropbeg)
                                                 (replace-match "" nil nil str-nohash-nomod-nopropbeg)
        (sxhash str-nohash-nomod-nopropbeg-end))))

  (defun yant/update-modification-time ()
    "Set the :MODIFIED: property of the current entry to NOW and update :HASH: property."
    (org-set-property "HASH" (format "%s" (yant/getentryhash)))
    (org-set-property "MODIFIED" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
  (defun yant/skip-nonmodified ()
    "Skip org entries, which were not modified according to the :HASH: property"
    (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max)))))
      (if (string= (org-entry-get (point) "HASH" nil) (format "%s" (yant/getentryhash)))

  (add-hook 'before-save-hook (lambda ()
                                (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
                                  (if org-update-heading-mod-times
                                      (org-map-entries #'yant/update-modification-time nil 'file #'yant/skip-nonmodified)))))

  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-auto-tangle-mode))


(package! org-auto-tangle)
(package! ob-mermaid)

org doc support

The most important part are the org-mode properties set at the top of the document.

# Enable TOC at top of document
#+OPTIONS: toc:t stat:t prop:t num:20

# Don't export sections tagged "noexport"
#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport

# Open document folded
#+STARTUP: overview

# for org agenda, tag items with whether they are math-heavy or optional
#+TAGS: math optional

# Tangle when saving
#+auto_tangle: t

#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle no :noeval :exports both :cache yes :results output wrap :noweb no-export :comments noweb :colnames no :rownames no
#+PROPERTY: header-args:scheme :wrap EXAMPLE
#+PROPERTY: header-args:gnuplot :prelude "reset" :session nil
#+PROPERTY: header-args:mermaid :exports results

# For the actual answers use a header like this:
# #+BEGIN_SRC scheme -n :eval no-export :exports both
# For their dependencies:
# #+BEGIN_SRC scheme -n :eval no-export :results silent

#+latex_class: article
#+latex_class_options: [final,fleqn,titlepage,twoside,twocolumn]

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{calligra}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{lmodern}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase]{FiraMono-Regular}

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[cache=true]{minted}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usemintedstyle{colorful}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setminted{fontsize=\small}
# FIXME: keep minted inline code from being automatically wrapped
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setmintedinline{breakbytoken=false,breakbytokenanywhere=false,breaklines=false,breakaftergroup=false}

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{mdframed}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \definecolor{my-bg}{rgb}{0.99,0.99,0.99}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.60,0.60,0.60}

#+LATEX_HEADER: \mdfdefinestyle{theoremstyle}{%
#+LATEX_HEADER: linecolor=gray,linewidth=.5pt,%
#+LATEX_HEADER: backgroundcolor=my-bg

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{etoolbox}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \BeforeBeginEnvironment{minted}{\begin{mdframed}[style=theoremstyle]}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \AfterEndEnvironment{minted}{\end{mdframed}}

# listfiles leaves a list of all files used during processing in the log
# in-Emacs renders log to a buffer, not a file
#+LATEX_HEADER: \listfiles

#+title: Your Doc Title
#+subtitle: Your Subtitle
#+AUTHOR: Your Name
#+date: \today

# Image too big? Scale it down by adding this attribute:
# #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 0.6\linewidth

SICP's Picture Language with guile-picture-language

We at the Discord server (primarily waxcatape) have put the following info together into a Guile file which provides the book's expected functions automatically, and includes reference functions to compare your answers against without confusion of using the same names.

Check it out here:

Below are my original instructions for the section, without the script.

First, you'll need guile-picture-language and a Guile install that knows where to find it. The easiest way is by installing Guix and executing guix shell guile-picture-language guile. This will make the Guile module pict available in your shell. Try running the following code:

(use-modules (pict))
(pict->file (triangle 50 70)

You should see a picture like this: triangle test If you need the svgs in png format, I can recommend ImageMagick.

Now for the tricky part. The code in the textbooks expects drawing primitives to exist in your system (this would have been common in the 80s and 90s school mainframes). We do not have these, so we will have to put the drawing procedures of pict together so that the book's code can work with them. During this process you may encounter integer/float issues, which this tip may help with.

When you start the picture language exercises at 2.44 you won't have enough procedures to actually bring it all together, so you'll have to do the first couple exercises without running them -- luckily they are very similar (or identical) to some previous exercises, such as the implementation of line segments in 2.2 and rectangles in 2.3. Once you have defined them up to 2.49, you can make procedures for pict that will create SICP's pictures. Here is such a system, which modifies some textbook code. It expects:

  • a vector implementation (Exercise 2.46)
    • (make-vect x y) construct a vector
    • (xcor-vect v) return the x coordinate
    • (ycor-vect v) return the y coordinate
    • (add-vect v w) add vectors
    • (sub-vect v w) subtract vectors
    • (scale-vect s v) scale vector v by factor s (don't get these backwards 😄 )
  • An implementation of frames (Exercise 2.47)
    • (make-frame origin edge1 edge2) construct a frame object
    • (origin-frame F) return the origin
    • (edge1-frame F) return the first edge
    • (edge2-frame F) return the second edge
  • An implementation of line segments
    • (make-segment start end) construct a segment from two vectors
    • (start-segment S) return the starting vector
    • (end-segment S) return the ending vector
(use-modules (pict))

;; \/\/\/
;; Here is the place for your frame, segment, and vector code
;; /\/\/\
(define (frame-coord-map frame)
  ;; Returns a function for adjusting a frame by a vector
  (lambda (v)
     (origin-frame frame)
      (scale-vect (xcor-vect v)
                  (edge1-frame frame))
      (scale-vect (ycor-vect v)
                  (edge2-frame frame))))))

(define (draw-line start end)
  ;; take two vectors, returns a line SVG object for pict
  (line (xcor-vect start)
        (ycor-vect start)
        (xcor-vect end)
        (ycor-vect end)))

(define (segments->painter segment-list)
  ;; takes a list of segments, returns a "painter" lambda, which applies a frame
  ;; to those segments, and then maps over the result with draw-line to make a
  ;; list of SVG line objects which pict can combine.
  (lambda (frame)
     (lambda (segment)
        ((frame-coord-map frame)
         (start-segment segment))
        ((frame-coord-map frame)
         (end-segment segment))))

;; NOTE: in the text, draw-line is a function which triggers an action in
;; some graphics driver, and returns nothing. Because of this, (map) was
;; originally (for-each). Thus the final result would have been thrown away.

(define (paint-lines painter)
  ;; use pict to compile an SVG with the elements described by painter
  (let ((Frame (make-frame (make-vect 0 0)
                           (make-vect 500 0)
                           (make-vect 0 500))))
    (apply lt-superimpose
           (painter Frame))))

A complete version of this with my own answers can be found under ../2/pict/linepainter.scheme. A similar file with no spoilers can be found under ../2/pict/linepainter_nospoilers.scheme

Try testing it with the diamond painter:

(pict->file (paint-lines diamond)

Test output


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