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A Jellyfish adapter for Hubot



  1. Clone this repo and install the npm dependencies:

    git clone
    cd hubot-jellyfish && npm i
  2. Create a local hubot instance:

    npm i -g yo generator-hubot
    mkdir myhubot && cd myhubot
    yo hubot

    Follow the instructions. When prompted to specify an adapter, enter jellyfish.

  3. Use npm link to link the hubot-jellyfish adapter to the hubot instance:

    cd myhubot
    npm link ../hubot-jellyfish
  4. Edit the package.json file in myhubot to add the hubot-jellyfish npm package as a dependency (set the version to the current version of this package):

    "dependencies": {
        "hubot-jellyfish": "^0.0.1"
  5. Configure environment variables

    The following environment variables must be defined before running hubot locally:

    • HUBOT_JELLYFISH_API_URL (e.g. http://localhost:8000 for local development)
    • HUBOT_JELLYFISH_TOKEN (An api token for authenticating with Jellyfish)

    The easiest way to do this is to add a .env to your myhubot folder and specify the environment variables in that file.

  6. Use npm link to link to the hubot package in the myhubot project (otherise the local node_modules/hubot package is used and the adapter doesn't communicate with the same hubot as myhubot is using!)

    cd hubot-jellyfish
    npm link ../myhubot/node_modules/hubot
  7. Run Hubot!

    cd myhubot
    bin/hubot -n hubot -a jellyfish


To run the unit tests you have to unlink hubot from hubot-jellyfish:

cd hubot-jellyfish
npm unlink ../myhubot/node_modules/hubot
npm install

Then you can run the tests:

npm run test