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Notice: This utility has been discontinued. The functionality provided by this module has been merged into jellyfish-worker.

Jellyfish Queue

The Jellyfish system processes incoming action requests and adds them to a queue so that they can be retrieved and executed in order.

This module provides a small set of functions to perform any queue-related operations, and should be utilized by any module requiring interaction with queued objects.

Note that, although jellyfish-queue is mostly used for enqueuing action requests, it could also be used to support handling other types of objects as well.

Under-the-hood, this module makes use of graphile-worker, a persistent job queue that supports PostgreSQL and can be used to run jobs "in the background" so that application code is not held up.


  • The queue aims to be fast
  • The queue aims to be a layer on top of jellyfish-core to allow for the effective management of queued objects of any type.


Below is an example how to use this library:

import { Consumer } from '@balena/jellyfish-queue';
import type { ActionRequestContract } from '@balena/jellyfish-types/build/core';

const producer = new Producer(kernel, kernel.sessions.admin);
await producer.initialize(context);

const consumer = new Consumer(kernel, kernel.sessions.admin);
await consumer.initializeWithEventHandler(
  async (payload: ActionRequestContract): void => {
    console.log("Message received: ", payload)


Publish Documentation

Visit the website for complete documentation:


Unit tests can be easily run with the command npm test.

The integration tests require Postgres and Redis instances. The simplest way to run the tests locally is with docker-compose.

$ npm run test:compose

You can also run tests locally against Postgres and Redis instances running in docker-compose:

$ npm run compose
$ REDIS_HOST=localhost POSTGRES_HOST=localhost npx jest test/integration/queue/index.spec.ts

You can also access these Postgres and Redis instances:

$ PGPASSWORD=docker psql -hlocalhost -Udocker
$ redis-cli -h localhost