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Releases: progame1201/SpyAgent-DiscordBotClient

SpyAgent 2.11.0

20 Apr 16:38
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Added the ability to enter commands more conveniently by pressing the f12 button (you can change it in the config).

when you click, simpledialog.askstring will be opened, which will work as a standard command entry, but if you make a typo, it will not send the text to the guild.

The unnecessary get_history function has been removed and replaced with the use of a function from the command module.

now it is possible to understand the message more easily.

now all additional information about the message, such as attached files, will be written on the next line with the "↳" symbol at the beginning.

Now help is in the command manager, and does not work separately from it.

minor changes in the local command manager.

Now the function is executed immediately instead of returning it.

Now writing the channel id can be configured in the config.

SpyAgent 2.10.0

21 Feb 20:43
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Improvements in working with voice chats:
Now, when logging into any of the voice chats, the number of people in this channel is written after the channel name
A new event detector has been added: on_voice_state_update, which notifies when someone entered or exited the voice chat

A new command has been added: ***guildleave Allows you to exit the guild you are in

SpyAgent 2.9.1

19 Feb 21:12
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improvements in the operation of the event detector
Now the VC_TEMP_TTS.wav file is deleted after playback
Improvements to the activity command code

SpyAgent 2.9.0

18 Jan 15:36
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One more module is now needed to run: pyttsx3
2 commands have been added:
***vctts - plays tts message to the voice channel
***activity - to put an activity on the bot, for example: playing a game

SpyAgent 2.8.1

16 Jan 20:59
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Improvements in audio management:
***vcconnect - connect to any voice channel
***vcdisconnect - disconnect from voice channel
***vcstop - turns off the music
***vcplay - turns on music

SpyAgent 2.8.0

16 Jan 18:24
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Several commands have been added:
***reply - reply to a message
***vcplay - turns on music in any voice channel
***vcstop - turns off the music where it is on
Support for displaying replies to message has been added (you can enable it in the config)

SpyAgent 2.7.0

15 Jan 19:06
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added a special version running on UNIX-like systems
improved the code of some commands

SpyAgent 2.6.0

13 Jan 23:09
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two commands have been added:
into - send a message to any channel (by ID)
set - set the channel (by ID)

some minor changes

HotfixAgent 2.5.1

13 Jan 16:24
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fixed receiving private messages

SpyAgent 2.5.0

13 Jan 15:56
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optimization of receiving messages (performance has been increased by about 66%).
does not apply to the SpyAgentPM version