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Installation for Go dummies

Programming Thomas edited this page May 30, 2013 · 3 revisions

In the future I intend to provide some prebuilt packages for Windows/Mac/Linux however for now you have to build from source - but it isn't too hard.

  • Get Go from Google and install it for your platform
  • Create a folder called go in your home/user directory
  • Create a folder called src in the go folder
  • Clone this repository - either through git, the GitHub client or by downloading the zip - into the src folder
  • You should now have a folder called neon-2013 in the src folder that also contains a folder called neonserver and all the other top level files
  • Open up a terminal/command prompt window and navigate to the neon-2013 folder
  • If you are using Windows run the command "set GOPATH=C:/FULL/PATH/TO/THE/GO/FOLDER"
  • If you are using OSX/UNIX/Linux run "export GOPATH=/FULL/PATH/TO/THE/GO/FOLDER"
  • Now run "go build neon-2013/neonserver" - this will compile the server side code
  • Run "go install neon-2013/neonserver" - this will install the server
  • Run "go build neon.go" - this will create an executable to launch the server
  • Run neon.exe if you are on Windows or ./neon if you are on OSX/UNIX/Linux
  • Open up your browser to http://localhost:8888 - we've had problems getting localhost working on Internet Explorer, but it works fine on other browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox