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Search platform for music and creating multiple playlist of music related to the searched artist.

User Stories

  • 404 - Display a 404 page when a page does not exist.
  • homepage - Users can acces the homepage and search related artists.
  • sign up - User can sign up on the app to be able to login.
  • login - User can log in in theyr account.
  • logout - User can logout from the app.
  • profile - User can display theyr account information and edit or delete saved playlists.
  • editplaylist - User can edit profile
  • deleteplaylist - User can delete playlists from the profile
  • swipepage - User will recieve songs and will be able to add them or not to theyr playlist. When the user adds 5 songs, a playlist will be created and stored in our profile.
  • playlist - User will display a playlist stored in the profile. Playlist will have 5 songs.

Server routes

Method Route Description Request - Body
GET / Main page route. Renders home index view.
GET /users/login Renders login view. view.
POST /users/login Sends Login form data to the server. { email, password }
GET /users/signup Renders signup-form view. view.
POST /users/signup Sends Sign Up info to the server and creates user in the DB. { name, email, password }
GET /users/logout Deletes session and redirects to signup-form
GET /users/profile Renders {avatarUrl, name , email} to the server
POST /users/profile/:id Deletes playlist on the server and updates playlist in DB redirectos to /users/profile.
GET /users/edit-profile/ renders edit-profile view.
POST /users/edit-profile/ edits users to the DB and redirects to /users/profile
GET /playlist/artist-confirmation Calls Api and renders artist-confirmation view.
GET /playlist/discover Renders discover view
POST /playlist/create/:id Creates a Playlist and updates User in the database.
GET /playlist/swipe/ Renders swipe view while calling the Api to display a loop that shows up multiple songs.
GET /playlist/create-list/ Renders swipe view.
POST /playlist/create-list/ Updates playlist and stores it in on the DB. Redirects to /playlist/playlist.
GET /playlist/playlist/ Renders playlist view. Displays Playlist information called from the Api


User model

  "avatarUrl": { type: String, default: '../images/avatar.png' },
  "name": String, required
  "lastname": String,
  "email": String, unique, required
  "password": String, required
  "listplaylist": [{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Playlist', default: [] }] 

Playlist model

  "imgUrl": { type: String, default: '../images/avatar.png' },
  "name": String, default:"untitled"
  "tracks": [{type:String, default:[]}]
  "blacklist": [{type:String, default:[]}]



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